Too Much Overtime Work (Let me rant too?)

I've been spending overtime work everyday which is composed on sitting on the chair, stepping on a foot pedal, listening to a voice file, and typing patient reports, so to say... my hands, legs, feet, and back are very tired especially my right hand since it also handles the mouse and does a lot of clicking as well.  Sigh~ Sometimes I wish the mouse can be placed at the left side.  There was a time when my thighs have been having muscle spasms.  There was a time when my wrists up to my fingers hurts.  For the past two nights, I had leg cramps.  The other night was the right leg and then last night was the left leg.  I hope I won't have leg cramps tonight T_T  Then when I finally lie down on bed, I would experience my back hurting and aching for a couple of minutes before it fades away. Even though I'm currently overflowing with inspiration and ideas, I cannot type as my hands are tired.  I am currently typing with my left hand because I'm letting my right hand rest.


More overtime work, more tax, more money being sent off to those corrupt people in the government -_-


I hate the floods in Manila.  It's because of it that we have less manpower, so the jobs are being sent here in Cebu (where I am) then our usual overtime would even be doubled X___X  Heck, the doubled overtime work has become the usual lately already.... T____T


Ugh~! I want more people hired! They say they're already hiring in Manila, but those people are still going to be absent anyway with all the floods in Manila @_@  Our company in Manila is even offering them transportation and food now.  What about food for those rendering overtime work here in Cebu?!?!  Don't they have any idea how hungry we are while doing all the hard work?!!?


Luckily, I work on a Sunday.  The up side is that there aren't much jobs to do on Sunday.  I even slept for an hour last Sunday.  The down side is that I won't be able to attend to any company events which mostly happens on Sunday.  There's actually just 8 of us having duty on Sunday.


The reason why I also want more people hired is so that there wouldn't be much overtime work to do, so I wouldn't feel lazy or too tired to study.  Yes, I'll be reviewing and studying again real soon for United States Nursing Licensure Exam though I still have no plans on being an actual nurse in hospitals or clinics. @_@   My  real goal is to transfer to another account/department within the company where that license is going to be used which would mean a higher salary.  Besides, I already got the company's sponsorship, so it's an opportunity.


Now I'll go back to reading anime fics~


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Hopefully they hire more people than, my dad works overtime a lot too.
hopefully anime fics can boots your mood up~ :3