Skylight | Jung Chaebin

s k y l i g h t !
asian_celebration + sia | gmt -7 | 9


name: jung chaebin
nicknames: binnie - it's a nickname her friends call her. really, it's just a short version of chaebin.
other names: her english name - chosen by the company - is alexa jung. she doesn't like it very much, though.
date of birth: february 19th 1993
age: 20
place of birth: busan, south korea
ethnicity: korean
nationality: korean
languages spoken: korean (native)

faceclaim: byeon seo eun
gallery link: here
height: 168 cm
weight: 48 kg

style: formal occasions are chaebin's specialty; she has a few very pretty dresses that she wears during those that she loves more than wearing anything else. the rest of the time, soojin's style is basic at best; she'll wear what's trendy when she's just...out, be it bold or girly or a mixture of the two. in the dorm, chaebin will most likely just wear sweatpants and a sweatshirt; she doesn't see much purpose in dressing up nicely if there's nobody around to see it. that's why, when she's at the aiport, chaebin's style is in its prime. she's fully aware of the cameras shuttering and showing off her every flaw, so she tries to look good.
etc.: she has her lobes pierced, as well as a double helix piercing in her left ear.

character traits: dreamy, faithful, gloomy, calm, weak-willed
expansion: chaebin's a girl with her head in the clouds and her heart in the stars. she loves fantasy books, and loves fairy tales even more. she's either focused or incredibly spaced out, and most of the time, she's daydreaming up scenarios where she has a prince and a castle, all her own. if/when she writes songs, they're cutesy and idealistic sort of things with simple messages - be yourself, dream big, you are not alone. chaebin is a er for cheesy romance, though she'll never admit it, and the music she listens to is dreamy and soft. chaebin is a dreamer at heart, and that really shows.

chaebin's faithful - not in the sense that she believes in a god, which she does, but in the sense that her friends can rely on her for almost anything. she'll keep their secrets and do their tasks, and she'll make absolute sure they're feeling okay at the least. chaebin is, honestly, a really good friend to the girls of skylight, and acts as the group's glue. if everyone's arguing with each other, chaebin is the member that does her best to keep everybody sane. she hates fighting, and much prefers peace between all the members of skylight. that's what she tries for, anyways. 
that being said, chaebin's known for her weak will. she often does things she doesn't want to do because other people want her to do them; that's where her faithfulness is a downfall. chaebin wants friends more than anything else (aside from a castle and a white horse, etc.) and will do anything for her friends, whether it's in her best interests or not.

however, chaebin's not a happy person. she's happy in her daydreams, but not anywhere else. chaebin does a good job of covering her sadness up, and is seen as one of skylight's more cheerful members, but in reality...she isn't. at all. there's a lot of stress coming on her now that she's an idol, and really, chaebin has no idea how to handle it - other than to keep smiling and performing like nothing's wrong. because of that, combined with her daydreaminess,  chaebin often seems ethreally calm; she doesn't make many facial expressions aside from smiling when she's speaking on tv, and hence is sometimes known as a robot. she blames it all on being tired - idols hardly ever get to sleep.

likes: peppermint; organic smoothies; coloring books; korean dramas, which are her guilty pleasure; cheesy romance novels; fairy tales; dreampop (e.g. owl city)
dislikes: being disturbed; shark movies; wintertime, where her depression gets pretty bad; science fiction; guacamole, which, for whatever reason, she can't stand.
hobbies & habits: resting her head on two close fists; twirling or braiding a strand of her hair; coloring in coloring books.
chaebin loves disney; she has a
stitch plushie.
her favorite color is light green. 
she auditioned singing "vanilla twilight" by owl city.
chaebin plays piano. she learned when she was a little kid.
chaebin makes a mean banana smoothie. 
chaebin loves fanfiction and fanart, since it's a sign that skylight has fans.
she loves, loves loves cute concepts and dreads doing the ier ones. chaebin doesn't think she suits y at all.
was a back-up dancer for snsd's twinkle.

background: jung chaebin was born and raised in busan, south korea. when she was born, chaebin almost died; hence, for most of her life, chaebin grew up protected and sheltered. her parents made sure she went to schools with small class sizes to avoid stress, and because of that, chaebin never really learned how to make friends. she spent a lot of her childhood alone, which shows in her personality; she has a fundamental need for people, since she never got those growing up. becoming a trainee was the first time chaebin was around a lot of people all at once, and that definitely shows; she almost had a nervous breakdown about halfway through training, in fact, but she got through and eventually got to debut.

family: jung yoowhan (father) | 54 | househusband | protective; childish; sweet; imaginative | 4/5
lee yura (mother) | 53 | teacher | intelligent; protective; melancholy; strict | 4/5

best friend:  chaebin has no idea how to make friends; hence the people she knows best are her family members and the members of skylight.

friends: {if they're idols, include how they met, or if they haven't yet how will they?} name | age | occupation | closeness | how they met

rival: {can be a friendly rival! nothing wrong with that. include some positive traits too.} name | age | occupation | closeness | how they met

stage name: lee rui. she thinks it sounds prettier than "jung chaebin".
onstage persona: the dreaming princess
position: lead vocalist, sub-rapper

vocal twin: sunny
dancing twin: sunny
rapping twin: sooyoung

stage personality: she hides her sadness better, but other than that...
trainee years: four years

love interest's name: jung taekwoon
group: vixx
date of birth: november 10th, 1990
personality: leo is the quiet type; he doesn't speak and is very well known for his poker-face. he often seems to be kind of fed up with s a lot of the time. in general they're loud and noisy, and leo is naturally...a really quiet kind of guy. his talent is undeniable though; he's the group's main vocalist through and through, and that didn't come from just sitting there. he's a hard worker and one of the most caring people you can meet - if you bother to get to know him. if you don't, well. useless. he might as well be a video game item then, because he'll have been lost forever. if you really take the time to get to know leo, though, he's the most loyal person you'll ever meet. he's like a really quiet golden retriever puppy - logical and quiet but so loyal. once he has you, it's so hard to let go; taekwoon is also really charismatic, and is pretty much the guy vixx fangirls flock to. 
how they met: backsage - vixx was promoting "girls why?" while skylight was doing promotions for "autumn sky". 
relationship status: they're friends, slowly getting to know each other more and more. what chaebin feels for taekwoon is most definitely romantic - she has the most embarassing icky-sticky crush thing on him - but she also has no idea if taekwoon has an icky-sticky crush thing on her. taekwoon is incredibly hard to read, and chaebin isn't too good at reading people anyways, so it's a lot of awkward sweetness. leo's probably the prince chaebin wants so badly, but she has no clue and HE has no clue and things are just really, really awkward.

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