K-pop Questions~Stolen from mrose0626


1. Who is your bias & from which group? 
Yang Yoseob of B2ST. He seems so humble for an idol when you hear so many scandals about these idols going around. Also his amazing voice that makes me happy whenever i listen to it. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders. I will be truly envious of his future wife ^^
2. Why is K-pop important or special to you? 
I guess it's because of all the meaningful lyrics behind the songs. Like Ailee's Heaven I have yet to see a song that sings about God like her's. And B2ST's Thanks To which was written for b2uty's especially you can tell through the lyrics. And how the celebrities seem so thankful for everything, I suppose it has made an impact on me as well.
3. Where do you want to travel to? 
Spain, France, Italy, Rome, Korea, Japan, Canda, Germany, London. All over the world, it's my dream :)
4. Which idol do you admire most & why? 
I would have to say B2ST as a whole. Although i know that other groups must of endured hardships as well, it seems as though it was the hardest for b2st to debut and once they did they were still attacked by the media. I am glad that they are doing what they love now :)
5. What is your favourite K-pop song? 
Honestly I have no idea. But one that will always be on my list is Nu'est's Love You More.
6. If you could meet one K-pop idol, which Idol would you pick? 
Yoseob seems like the likely choice, but I'm going to go with Dujun on this one. He just seems so warm and genuine.
7. What was the first K-pop MV you ever watched?
Big Bang's Haru Haru when it came out. Although I did not really understand what it was.
8. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
I don't know, I like my name. But if I did probably would use my middle name :D
9. Name one thing that you want to try for the first time ever. 
Going on a trip without my parents, basically experiencing new things for myself. ^_^
10. Name the last 5 songs you listened to.
Cafe Tube-rainrops, July-Beyond The Memory, July-Walking to Heaven, July- Remember Me, and Kelly Clarkson-Cry
11. Which animal is your dream pet? 
I would like a panda bear, but can i keep them forever small and cute?


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