New Daily Random Story - Didn't Know About it Before

FINALLY!!! One of my fics is being featured on the New Daily Random Story!!! Woohoo!!!


It's really nice to have experienced what I wanted here in aff~ XD 


The only thing I haven't experienced yet is being in the top 10 authors hahaha!!  Which I don't think will happen anytime soon~


But at least I got to experience being in the top 100~ somewhere around 80 something~ hehe <3


I was shocked to see an old fic having 20 comments~ But out of those 20 comments, only 4 comments were truly comments ^^;;  The others were just congratulatory messages X__X so I deleted them.


I honestly thank all of my commenters except maybe in Suicide Diary because there was too much~ but I couldn't honestly thank or feel grateful for someone congratulating me on being on the random feature.  Well, I can be thankful if you congratulate me here in this blog or at my wall, but in the story itself without even bothering to comment about the story, well... it kind of hurts ^^  <--puts on a smiley face anyway  so I deleted them~ 


Sorry to those who got hurt (but I doubt it.  They probably don't know that I deleted their congratulatory comments ^^;;)


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It's still up btw~ :D
You're a terrific author^^ Congrats unnie:)
youre number 1 author to me ^^ you are an amazing writer and i do hope you become one of the top 10 because you deserve it
im happy that you got what you wanted here :D
OMG that's great!!!!!
yeah... congrats. ^^
(that's one of my dreams too XD LOLOLOLLL)
comgrats~ :D