My long awaited 'speech' of Never-ending Thanks~

Okay, I finally found the time to write this blog. Sorry that it took me forever. I had camp for the past three days and fell asleep at 7plus last night. I didn't even take my dinner LOLS. So, please pardon my lateness! >.< 

Now that I've gotten over my shock, I'm here to thank people, like a thousand, four hundred and four people in total. 

From Saturday since my fic was featured, I've gotten like a thousand more subscribers in total. I'm really really happy and touched by it. It might sound silly but, reading those comments really boosted my confidence, I really have a low level of confidence despite my actions. I don't think words can expressed how I feel now. It's hard to say, but I'm really thankful and grateful. I've worked hard for my fics, and honestly, it might be another silly thing, but my stories are my babies. Don't believe me, you can ask my friends. They know how much I write. 

I try my very best to reply back to every of my readers' comments and thank everyone single one. Right now, you might not have gotten my words of thanks, but, be sure, you'll get them. I just need time to thank every single one of you lovely readers. Also, your wall posts and messages, I'll try to get back soon!

Saying thank you is really lacking, but vocabularly is not the stronger part of my English and I doubt there are any other words to express my gratitude. 

So, Thank You. 

Really very very much. 

I'll try to update soon, (maybe during Sunday, no promises though :/) I'm sorry that I might not be able to update during this one week of my fic being featured, Sorry! 

I don't how to express my gratitdue, so yeah...

Thanks again. Really thank you so much! <3 I'll try harder in the future! Thank you! <333


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guitardrums #1
How was camp? Great surprise to have after coming back from camp right? :) I support you foreverrrrrrrrr. Haha. Sunday suju is coming. You want to go? Haha. Random.
Nawwww :)
Dedication right there! ^^
Though i still need to read,(reallyreallysorry!) congrats on 1000+ subs! ;D
i didn't expected the 'no confidence' thing when i read your story xD
You had camp?
How's it? Is it fun?
Ah unnie. Wae you have no confidence in your stories?! I love every single of your fics! (Even though I haven't catch up with 'Fate' yet. xD Anyway!) And trust me. Your. Fics. Are. Freaking. Awesome.
Ah no thanks ^^
Your story is really good!
It must be featured no matter what happen!
Thx for writing the story.. Keep updating! Hwaiting~
Work hard, unnie!
Hwaiting! <3