Korean Festival in Cebu (with pics!)

Normibells, hae_ki, and Jishubunny (yes, I'm talking about myself XD) planned to meet at 6pm at the Korean Festival at the mall.


I told Norman (normibells) to go earlier since it was his day off because there might be a long line for the free Korean movie tickets since it was a Friday after all.


Then it turned out that I finished my overtime work earlier than expect.  Then Merzia (hae_ki) finished her classes earlier than expected.


So we met at 5pm instead of 6pm!!! Ain't that amazing?! Haha! We met at Cobo which is a milk tea cafe which I finally visited and drank for the first time! I ordered Honey Milk Tea which is the green one which doesn't have a straw yet.

Outside Cobo, there was a stand where you could have your picture taken with the sign Korean Festival and there are 2am stands too. XD  I wish there were more bands or I wish it was the real 2am. Hahaha.  Norman edited the pic with the three of us.  I edited the pic of... well.. myself XD and the one with Merzia.

I bumped (not literally, more like I waved at her to notice me) an elementary/highschool friend who told me that she actually reads my fics here in aff!!! I was like "What?!?! What's your username?!?! Why didn't you tell me?!?!"  It's crazy! She knew me all along!  She said she likes trolling me... @_@  She's none other than ninja_min.  What a small world huh?


She said "I'm the one who speaks Bisaya to you."  and I'm like "There's actually a lot of you who speaks Bisaya to me."  ^_^;;;


Then we decided to go to the Korean food stalls.  If there wasn't a Korean Festival going on, these Korean food stalls won't be found.  There an older korean guys passing free taste of a  green rice cake with crushed graham bits at least that's what I thought it was.  Not quite that delicious but it wasn't disgusting either, so I just ate it and gave a thumbs up to the Korean man since he was smiling ^^;;


We ordered food and met Norman's officemate.  We offered him food, but he wouldn't eat because he says it looks exotic.  Even though he told him it's delicious and tastes like fishballs, he still wouldn't.  Haha! On the brighter hand, Norman was happy that there is someone else who could take our picture. Hahaha!!!

My eyes look that way because the flash on Norman's phone was too bright @_@


At the same time, I was texting with caseysusie18.  It was just kind of spontaneous.  I just told her that I would be going to the Korean Festival and that if she's going, we should meet up and she agreed to it.  


And then... dun dun dun dun *sound effects*  we finally met for the first time.  Susie (caseysusie18) looked reallly happy and teary-eyed? to be seeing me.  Hahaha!! I was honestly amused at her reactions and expressions upon finally seeing me and she kept calling me "Idol!!!" which was embarrassing yet flattering at the same time.


Oh and she said I look young~!!! WOOHOO~!!! <3  I told her that the reason why I'm wearing orange pants is because all of my other jeans are dirty and it's not like I can wear knee shorts or leggings to the office @_@ 


She asked to have our picture taken.  For a moment, I'm like "Ah, so this is how a famous artist feels like."  ?!?! Just Kidding~ HAHAHAAHAH!!! Not that I'm famous or anything~

I offered food to her, but she only ate the small part left of the oden ^^;; but she kept thanking me for it.  Hahaha!! Next time when I have money, I'll treat you to some proper food.  Hahaha


I introduced her to my friends and it went like...

Susie:  What's your name again?

Merzia:  Merzia.

Susie:  Nice to meet you! And you?

Norman:  Norman.

Susie:  What's your name at night?

Norman:  Wait.. let me think... Ruffa (<--for those who don't know, Ruffa is a famous beauty queen and celebrity here in our country)



Susie only stayed for a bit since she decided to go and watch the Cebu Kpop Star which is a contest.  My friends and I aren't interested to be honest ^^;;  We initially went to the festival for the free Korean movies anyway ^^  Oh and Merzia also met someone from school I think.


We watched the movie Deranged.  Have you guys seen that? I recommend you watching it!!!


We thought it was horror but it was actually thrilling and suspense.  I think we screamed more in the movie than in horror movies.  Hahaha!! We just can't help but scream at the thrilling scenes.  Hehehe ^^;


I also like the fact that it is slightly medically related since we were once nursing agents.  (and now Norman is a team leader in a call center, Merxa is studying medicine, and I'm a medical transcriptionist.  See how none of us bothered to be a nurse?! Haha!)


I had to leave after the movie since I still have work the next day.  Merzia and Norman stayed to watch the next movie which was Sunny.  I have already watched Sunny though, so I don't feel too sad missing out the movie, just slightly sad to be parting ways with my close friends~ 3  but we'll probably see each other again hopefully before the year ends.


So yeah, it was really a fun day ^^  which resulted me to being tired in the duty the next day~ haha XD 




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wow special mention jd?? hahaha sayanga wla jud ta nagpa picture XD
*facepalm* ohmygosh i am such an embarrassment
Sounded pretty fun and this blog was entertaining. Hahaha XD
hae_ki #4
ahahahaha~ nalingaw jud ko sa iya reaction pud, ni Susie (hi!)
nalingaw ra pud mi sa Sunny ug sa mga tao nga reaction paper to the max labi na pagabot sa crush sa bida...

ako d.i to ig.agaw ako nakit.an hahaha
woah~ i wish there'll be something like that in my town as well~ i envy you~ :/
aah~ i can't imagine if i meet someone from aff~ should i happy or maybe embarrassed? xD