School of the Supernaturally Gifted Application



1. Account Name: Kimjade


2. Character Name: Kimberly Jade Dalton


3. Ethnicity:  ¼ Russian ¼ American ¼ Chinese ¼ German


4. Picture:
Kristin Kreuk


5. DOB: April 21, 1993 / 19


6. Powers:  Omni-linguism – The ability to understand any form of language. She also is immune to any form of Telekinesis or mind bending powers due to her abnormal brainwaves. 
Pheromone manipulation- Ability to generate and control pheromones which may have various effects. She always smells of a warm comforting scent that lulls others into their peaceful centers. The pheromones she produces can vary from an attractant t in the opposite , Releaser pheromones are pheromones that cause an alteration in the behavior of the recipient, or she may use Epideictic pheromones that warn other females away from her territory.
The attractant pheromone doesn't work on homoual males, or heteroual females.

She may also release a volatile substance when attacked by a predator, that physically disorients them for a time, or may act like a poison to slowly sap away their strength and abilities.

Empathy- Ability to read or sense the emotions and/or control the emotions or feelings of others. She has a limited amount of control over this ability and always falls prey to others emotions. This gift also works in reverse and she may imprint her own feelings on others with the help of her pheromones.

When this happens she usually loses control of her pheromones, sending the surrounding area into chaos unless there is a deadener there to negate her powers.

She never uses her active powers and one only knows she is special when the situation reveals it, because she would never do it herself. She maintains that she is normal. Whatever that is.



7. How you got to the school: She has no powers so she doesn’t know why her Mother abandoned her here. That’s her story and she will stick to it. It’s not in her personality to just tell everyone her business.

Her Mother convinced the head mistress to take her in, due to her refusal to get any type of training to control her powers. Unfortunately they are linked to her emotions, so she doesn't have 100% control over them.

Kimberly was dragged there by a staff of deadeners (people who suppress others powers for a time).


8. Biography: Kimberly grew up wild, but she is self-controlled. A conundrum, she loved being contradictory and frustrated her parents to no end. She was happy but distant, icy yet deep. She has always known the way of the world but despite that saw it as beautiful. She can find the beauty in anything but easily gets depressed and doesn’t see anything good about herself. They lived in a little town in ia, USA but at the age of five, her Father died and left them with nothing. They lost their home and had no other family to turn to. Her Mother worked a lot and had many men to pick up the tab. Kimberly was rather disgusted by her behavior, but could do nothing.

Kimberly was born in America, but when her Mother found a Korean man to marry, she moved them to Seoul. She had no problems adjusting, but soon she was targeted for being different and that was when her powers began to develop. She began to notice that every time she got upset others around her would become agitated or cry themselves. Every time her mother would forget her a number of men would come up to her and ask her if she needed help or if she wanted to go with them. At ten she was nearly when she started her period, and at thirteen she inadvertently caused a fight in Marronnier Park between a crush of hers and a group of guys playing basketball.  She was considered a freak after that and her step-father divorced her mother and left them. She no longer could go to public school and had to be placed in a private school, which was difficult for her mother to pay for, so she had to work little odd jobs after school to help with the bills.

They were on the verge of going back to the US when her Mother met another man. He seemed to be more accepting of her daughters unique abilities, but come to find out he only wanted to use her for his own personal  toy/money maker. Kimberly came very close to losing her preciously guarded ity, so when her Mother heard of this school for 'gifted children' she sought out the owner right away so she could learn to control her gifts.

•Storms (she loves lightning and thunder)
•Languages and cultures she doesn’t know yet
•The Ocean
•Seeing happy Families together


10. Dislikes
•Cigarette smoke
•Odd smells
•Rude/Vain/Evil people
•Children over the age of nine
•Spiders or bugs that rush out at you (she has been known to 'fry on sight')
•Being interrupted continuously


11. Family:
Mother – Jane Dalton Jung [53] Her Mother has always betrayed her. That is what she feels anyway. Even though she loves her Mother, she is rather bitter towards her for always picking the man she’s with over her daughter every time. She was left alone a lot as she was growing up.
Her relationship with her Mother just makes her sad and she’d rather not speak of it.


12. Orientation: Straight - with a side of curious


13. Your ideal type: Her Ideal type is someone who can stand up to her and tell her when she’s wrong and to stop acting like a brat, but also will take her in their arms right after that and hug her. Someone who can make her laugh, but not be overbearing, someone smooth but honest and sweet. Cheesy guys make her vomit. Vain guys make her angry. He has to be well balanced and passionate about her. Someone who can withstand her powers and love her not because of them, but because of who she is.

14. What you are majoring in: Linguistics 


15. Specific major: East Asian Languages


16: Link of you doing your major:

Linguistic Description in Japanese Chinese Korean and English


17. Why you came to the school: She had no other choice at the time, but being there, knowing there are others like her, has helped so she stays.


18. Trivia stuff

•She is naturally spiritual and doesn’t care too much about material things.
•She dislikes chocolate
•She has a sharp wit and a sarcastic sense of humor.
•She is always cold no matter the temperature.
If the air conditioner is on she will be wearing a shawl or a long loose sleeved shirt or light baggy sweater.
•Her hair hangs down past her . (No lie, my hair really is that long). She’s always putting it up in a bun, so she always has a bunch of hair ties.
•Her eyes are able to change color. They often become deep green when she’s angry or have high passion or a clear blue when she is sad or depressed, but watch out if they are ever both! One green and one blue means she’s about to cause some major damage.
•She gets anemia during ‘that time’ of the month and will be listless and tired. She gets very crabby during this time and her temper sparks easily even when she’s trying to be nice she will snap and change into a growling, hissing entity in the blink of an eye. People tend to stay well away from her around this time and let her sleep more, and give her more red meat to replenish her loss. Her pheromones go out of whack at this time as well and she can not control them, so they spread out and call to all the straight guys around her and they follow her around until the week is up.
•She refuses to use her active powers. The only time you will see them is if she loses control due to her emotions.
•She has an abnormal attraction to bad boys, or those that look like bad boys.
•She loves to look at well dressed people and has an interest in fashion, so she plays around with fashion design programs on the computer, but doesn't have to confidence to do it for real.
•She has massive trust issues.
•She always smells of warm ginger, vanilla and sugar. A comforting scent that leaves those she comes in contact with feeling comforted and safe.


19. Code name: Jade


20. Persona: Damaged Princess


Her car 


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