Kpop Fan Craziness

So has anybody else heard about Justin Bieber visiting Korea?? And am I the only one disturbed about it?

Uh okay I mean no harm if their are any Justin Bieber fans out here and if you are and you are reading this I do not recommend you go any further.

I thought kpop was its own community with its own fandoms and all the kpop fans were sort of like a family but I just think that ever since Gangnam Style has become so popular alongside Gentlemen the world has this wrong picture of what real kpop is.

I did not want my first blog to be kinna serious and all but it was just this topic in my head so I thought I'd write something about it.

It just seems unfair how he doesn't deserve to be at our dream place and meet our idols when he himself has lost his love for music and forgot why he came into the music industry in the first place.

But no worries I am sure Sehun will take care of this :

Alright I think this is enough for today's 'blogging' hope you guys didn't find it too serious or boring. Stick around for more craziness...or don't. I mean you are already here so just stay!


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justin beiber is visiting korea? I didnt even know about it! Buti sorta do agree with what u said...
Hi there dude.