I cheated on an exam. OMG


Does passing an exam makes you a better person? Well, society dictates that we should. Of course, if you pass an exam it would mean that you studied well and paid attention to your lectures. But, does cheating in an exam makes you a bad person?

To be very honest, I've cheated in one of my exams. Wait, cross out once, I've done it for like a multiple times already. 

It's not that I didn't learn anything but rather because our Gross Anatomy, Embryology and Zootechnics professors are ing hard to understand. Their brains are like way, way, way, way out of our league and they expect us to be in sync with their smartness and all. We're still students for crying out loud, our minds are still babies compared to them, and having eight different medical subjects in one semester is going to kill us one by one.

And because of this, my classmates and I (*note that it's not just me) decided to make micro-notes and hacked our professors computer (all thanks to the brillant mind of my handsome senior). I have learned a lot of cheating techniques and well, I have mastered the art of the micro-notes. If you want me to teach you, come on over and learn from the master. Kidding! 

But this was all in the past.

Why? One word. KARMA. When karma strikes it pours. I think you get the idea now.  I don't really want to elaborate further because it'll just pain me. But my main thought here is that when you do something, like a devious act or something, think first before actually doing it. A higher form of being is watching up there and well, he knows what we all are doing. For every bad thing we do, there's a consequence and there's no escape from that consequence. I hope you guys will learn from me otl


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gosh I so agree, karma is a bish no doubt ene