It'll be Raining in Japan !

I just read the news about Rain going on a Zepp Tour in Japan !

I'm so happy that I decided to write my first blog post as celebration !! XD

That means he's back FOR REAL this time and maybe we'll soon hear comeback news.

Woaah my heart is beating so fast, even if I know I won't see any of these concert.... Anyway as a Cloud, I wish it'll be a huge success and that koreans will stop holding a grudge against him... ^^'




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I'm so happy about this news too! Actually he's done many things after his discharge. He has discharged in July. ONLY THREE (2,5 to be more precise) MONTHS has passed!

There already have been 13 full song concert in Bangok Music Festival, China Mentholatum event and new commercial, and China TV guest star. and soon there will be fashion show, fanmeeting at October and this 10 concert Japan Zepp Tour in November… Wow. Maybe this is not exactly a comeback but this all is really great for such a short period of time.