I'm so dead

Omg seriously so like we just finished two weeks of holidays from school. I only just realise now on the very last day that I should finish the english essay which if I'm right is due tomorrow. Plus to add to that I have homework due for other subjects.

I've barely started and now I'm freaking out. Worse thing for me is that it's about Shakespeare. I at anything related to him. Yes I love to read but not those types of books.

I wish I could be reading fan fics right now. So many feels out there in all those stories. I just omg. . . . . I can't take this.

Well yeh if I die tomorrow I guess I won't be able to ever try writing my own fan fic.

Word of advice if anyone reads this: don't leave homework till the very last minute. The earlies you finish it the less stressful your life would be.

I know I'm saying all this but I don't think I'm even gonna follow my own advice. Well yeh I should probably start the essay now.

Have a good night everyone!


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e u e;
lol silly Fighting kidda :) make sure you don't work yourself too hard tho and no procrastinating :)
Tell us how you do tho? >.<