70 Random Questions (Stolen from ArtisticSeoul ^_^)


1.When was the last time you cried?
Ummmmm.... While watching Secretly Greatly. OMGGGG Blondy jumped off a building and exploded!!!! My baby hyun woo died too!!!!
2.Have you ever faked sick?
Who hasn't? XD 
3.What was the last lie you said?
"....I'm not flirting with your brother!" (Pshhh we all know I was! XD)
4.Have you ever cried during a movie?
Yeahh lol xD only a few times though 
5.Have you ever danced in the rain?
Why do you thing I'm shivering to death right now? XD I just got out of playing in the rain and I be shaking like a flippin chihuahua xD 
6.Have you ever been drunk?
Nopes ^_^ I don't drink alcohol :P
7.Do you smoke?
Nopeee ^_^
8.What is your full name?
Avy M. Davis. Blehhhh I ain't tellin you my middle name xD 
9.What is your blood-type?
10.Have you ever been in a car accident?
Not really... We crashed into a car who crashed into a car who crashed into a car who crashed into a car at a red light xD 
11.How old were you when you received your first kiss?
***never been kissed
12.Who was your first kiss?
My imagination xD 
13.Have you ever had an online relationship?
Nope xD 
14.Have you ever been rejected by a crush?
Indirectly! Holy crap it hurt!
15.What is your favourite sport to play?
I play couch potato! I'm the team leader xD 
16.Have you ever made a prank phone call?
Yes! So much fun lol xD 
17.Have you ever said "I Love you" and not meant it?
18.Is there anything that you have done that you regret?
Yes.... Oh wait you want me to say what it was?! Never mind! I don't regret anything xD 
19.What do you want to be when you grow up?
Photo journalist ^_^
20.What is your political persuassion?
My what...? 
21.Do you believe in God?
Yes. Very much ^_^
22.Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes! <3
23.Do you believe in karma?
Not really...
24.Who was your first crush?
Can I name names..? XD I'm pretty sure he's not a kpopper so he won't see this xD it was Wyatt Boss lol xD in the 1st grade xD 
25.Who do you have a crush on?
Naming names again xD Aaron Rudge and his 'twin' brother Seth xD 
26.How would you describe yourself?
Weird, psychopath who can be silly at times and scary at others xD 
27.What are you afraid of?
Being alone :( especially at night outside! Holy crap!
28.Are you religious?
Yess ^_^
29.What does your screen name mean?
Avy... My name duh. Lol because I laugh A LOT. 08 is kinda random lol xD 
30.What person do you trust the most? 
Fobe ^_^
31.Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend?
Landon Farris. Ew. 
32.What is the best compliment you have ever received?
33.What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you?
"Go away no one here likes you. You're a fat and ugly lesbian and you should stop going to school and just die." Thank you so much J.P.W. I will forever remember you so wonderfully 3 :'( 
34.What is the longest crush/relationship you have had?
Oh my xD this will be a beautiful answer! The longest crush I had was for 7 looooooong years and then I found out he was my freakin cousin! //facepalm// a year later he my 9 year old cousin and his 3 sisters. That a****** >.<
35.What is your greatest strength?
I have no strength xD 
36.What is your greatest weakness?
Everything xD 
37.What is your perfect pizza?
Veggie pizza w/ looooots of mushrooms<3 
38.What is your first thought when waking up in the morning?
"Oh my God I gotta pee!"
39.What is your first thought before you go to bed?
Lets check Aff and Quotev ONE more time!" XD 
40.What college do you want to go to?
Arts institutes
41.Do you get along with your family?
For the most part xD we all just a Buncha idiots xD 
42.Do you play any instruments?
Nope used to play piano but my teacher made me cry...
43.What kind of music do you like?
Kpop, Skrillex, Dubstep anything loud and scratchy with no words or voices xD 
44.Would you ever get a tattoo?
45.How many piercings do you have?
0 goose egg zilch nada none xD 
46.Who makes you laugh?
Anything and everything and anyone xD I even laughed at a funeral once xD oops lol
47.Who would you want to be tied to for 24hours?
GAHAHAHA!! Do I have to take this question seriously? XDD 
48.Have you ever seen a dead body?
..... On a tv show..... 
49.Do you have a celebrity crush?
Duhhhh xD Onew Jinki Oppa!!
50.What is one thing scientists should create?
XD ummmm a video thing that records and saves your dreams at night so you can watch them when you wake up! 
51.Have you ever broken a bone?
Nope! How the heck though lol I'm so clumsy xD 
52.What happens after you die?
I get to go to heaven ^_^
53.Do you watch or read the news?
Nope xD 
54.What stereotype would you label yourself as being?
The wallflower. 
55.Would your friends agree with that stereotyped label?
I think so.
56.If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
Nothing. I like my name xD although wouldn't mind changing last name to Lee... Eh eh? Jinki Oppa? XD 
57.If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go? 
Watching Anthony be baptized :)
58.If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?
My xD holy big xD 
59.Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
Hehehe maybeee
60.Would you ever lie to someone to make them feel good about themselves?
I have before...
61.What do you want your friends to think about you?
That I'm awesome and NOT stupid xD
62.HAve you ever bitten someone?
Yes...... XD 
63.Have you ever stolen anything?
Yes >.<
64.Do you make wishes on shooting stars?
Yes. They never come true!
65.If you could go back and change one day, what would it be?
At this point, I'd change today xD running in the rain is stupid and cold!
66.Do you remember your dreams?
No :(
67.Have you ever been in love?
68.Are you a morning person or a night person?
Both :P
69.Do you have any phobias?
Being alone for long periods of time
70.Have you ever been to the hospital (other then birth?
Yeshhhh xD stitches, kidney stones, being accused of being preggy (TOTALLY NOT!!), sliced my knee open, slices my other knee open, almost broke arm, busted ankles, broken nose.... I'm a flippin clutz xD 
Now excuse me while I change out of these cold wet clothes xD reminder: don't play in the rain xD 


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You are amazing!! <3
........ I immediately got sidetracked and stopped reading after number three -_-