A Talented Student ~ Yoon Junho





What's your name?      tumblr_lp4sq37tr11r0fxiio1_500.jpg

                                        -What's your name, 4minute



Name: Yoon Junho

Nicknames: -

Age: 15

Date of birth: 1 January 1998

Ethnicity: Korean

Languages: Korean (fluent), Japanese (semi-fluent/advanced), English (basic/conversational)

Place of birth: Ilsan, South Korea

Hometown: Ilsan, South Korea & Harajuku, Japan.

Appearance/looks: Junho only settles in jeans and shirt. He loves wearing comfortable and lousy clothes that is easy to moves around. He also loves to wear sport shoes and he prefer his hair black.

Face claim: Shin Ho Seok

Gallery: Here

Back up face claim: Lee Chi Hoon





So Beautiful My Girl

-Beautiful, B2st


Persona: The Quiet Prince

Personality: As far as everyone know him, he is a boy with few words. He can't explain his feelings well and he usually choose to stand by side and just watch everything in front of him. ALthough he can be dorky sometimes and his loves of pranking other was really high, because of his innocent nd shy personality, people would never suspect him for any of his evil prank. He's done everything from making the whole school black out because he feels lazy to attend class to putting rubber snake in the girl's student locker just to see their reaction. He's evil mind work everytime and no one know this except for certain few people.

From what others see him he is a good gentleman and innocent. He respected everyone from senior to junior and always help the people in need. He is kinda an introvert who rarely said anything except flasing his smile and swoon the girls. He's not a player, of course. He politely rejected everyone who came across him. He is also a smart student who can succeed if he work hard, but he's not working hard. He loves to do thing on his own pace and is a bit oblivious to his surrounding.

Background: Junho is the only son as well as the only grandson in the family. His father is working in the Ministry f Defence and he grew up in an army-based camp. His mother is a magazine editor and a fashion advisor. Her parents divorced when she was 4 years old and his mother took his custody while his older sister followed his dad. Both of them never get maried again and stay as friend. Sometimes, his sister got back to Korea to meet them or they'll come over to visit. Since small, he was already showing talent in performance and playing violin. He was send to learn to play violin and he won in a few competitions since he is 10 years old. He's also starting to play the song he compose by himself since he's 14 years old. He was discovered during a performance in his mother's fashion show where she play the violin while her sister sing.

Family: Yoon Mi Hwan | 45 | Government Officer /Ambassador of Korean Ministry of Defence | 9 | He usually talk to him via phone and he and his mother will go to Spain once every year to see him and his siter.

Kim Eun Ji | 42 | Magazine Editor/Fashion Advisor | 10 |  He's a mommy's boy.

Yoon Junhee | 17 | Student | 10 | They are really close and Junho keep most of her secret and vice versa. She is the sole protector of her brother and she will acts posessive over him.

Jiyoung | 15 | 10 | 8 | They are seatmates in their first class. She knows every plan of him and usually smacked him for his evil pranks on her friends.

Minhyuk | 16 | 10 | 8 | They are classmates in their most classes. They are usually plotting their pranks together.

Lee Jinki | 18 | 12 | 7 | His sister's 'best friend'. They met each other when he was send to hand him a gift for his birthday. They usually gossiping around about his sister.

He is ambidextrous, but he uses his left hand more.
He is master in kendo and fencing.
His favorite sport is basketball.
His least favourite sport is soccer.
He doesn't understand why people like to watch soccer.
He takes care of his clothes and iron every single of them including his socks.
He is a very detailed and organized person.
He doesn't wear the same clothes twice.

Cooking ; His all-time favourite food to cook is udon.
Chocolate ; His-stress reliever.
Milk ; He drinks milk at least twice a day.
Blue ; His favorite color.
Drawing ; His all-time hobbies.
Music ; It help to calm his feeling.
Hamster ; He has three hamster as pet.

Flower ; Allergic to pollen.
Ghost stories ; Love-hate relationship with them.
Blood ; He hates seeing blood!
Being alone in a dark and closed place ; He's been stucked in a lift once when he's 5 years old.
Waiting for others ; He's impatient.
Dirty and unorganized place ; He is very fond of cleanliness.
Taking photo ; Unless necessary like a family pjoto or commemoration.

Playing musical instrument ; Ukelele, Guitar, Cello, Violin and a little bit of Piano and keyboard.
Magic tricks.
Composing song.







Heart To Heart

  -Heart to Heart, 4minute 




Love Interest:

Name: Choi Jinri a.k.a Sulli

Age: 15

Grade: 10

Date of birth: 29 March 1998

Persona: The Innocent Princess

Personality: Sulli is a kind and easygoing girl. She's go along well with people and in influentual which usually put her trust in others. She loves helping people and is really bright. People say her laugh is contagious and people will also laugh if she started laughing. She is also quickly blush if she's embarrased or shy.

Major: Acting & Theater

How do you guys meet: Sulli was one of Junho's victim who didn't scream when she saw the rubber snake inside her locker. Instead, she happily played with it and saying how cute it was. Junho was amazed by her and he decided to talk to her. They become friends since then.

Interactions: Junho has a big crush on Sulli and he usually awkward around her but the awkwardness will fade as soon as Sulli started talking. Her pureness and bright character will make the tensed Junho become relaxed and they will chat like a long-lost friend and sometimes act lovey-dovey with each other. They are oblivious that they like each other but most of people around them had been bored saying the same things they will never believe.

Most of the things appear cute to her.
She loves to braid her hair.
She loves pink.
She dislikes cookies because it's too sweet.
She likes to play chess and no one ever beat her.
She is in cheerleading group.



                                                            Crush: -Lee-Joon-mblaq-18981518-395-383.jpg



Name: Bae Suzy

Age: 16

Grade: 11

Date of birth: 10 October 1997

Persona: The Angel

Personality: Suzy is not a perfect definition of an angel outside, she is blunt and straightforward, but everything she says is the truth. She's can be talkative at times but most of the times, she prefers to keep quiet and follow the flow. She is known as angel because of her kindness. She always help people in study when she saw her friend struggling and she believes that people should succeed together and never be selfish.

Major: Dance and Musical Studies.

How do you guys meet: Suzy is her tutor for one of the subject he dislikes and she was very patient is helping him understand even guide him and wait until he finishes all his homework.

Interactions: They rarely see each other because of the different in class and grades but when he sees her, he will instantly bowed down and start saying random thing which will earn a chuckle from Suzy and a simple 'You're really cute!' which can make him smiling like idiot for the whole day.

She loves roses.
She wears spectacles as accessories.
She loves baking and she's complimented for the talent.
She's one of the school top student.
Her favourite place place is under the tree in front of the field.
She 's is older than Junho.





Tic Toc

-Tic Toc, Infinite

Grade: 10

Favorite subject: Music

Least Favorite subject: Literature

How were you discovered: Duet performance with her sister at her mother's fashion show.

Major: Classical Music and Composing

Classes: Music, Literature, Business, Mathematics, Vocal Class, English.

How do you get detention?: Sulli innocently admitted that he was the one who prank her and her friends, saying that the prank was fun.





As Good As It Gets        tumblr_m16w54rheb1qlor5p.gif

                                -As good as it gets, Infinite

Comments: Nice story! English is not my first language and please tell me if I made any mistake in the app. Hwaiting with the story! ^^

Suggestions: Maybe a truth or dare games between them and Junho and Sulli finally realized each other's feelings.



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Congrats! You've been accepted!
ASDFGHJKL words can not explain how happy i am right now! Thank you for being my first boy applicant ^^