A Talented Student ~ Yoon Junhee





What's your name?      tumblr_lp4sq37tr11r0fxiio1_500.jpg

                                        -What's your name, 4minute



Name: Yoon Junhee

Nicknames: June

Age: 17

Date of birth: 29 February 1996

Ethnicity: Korean

Languages: Korean (fluent), Spanish and French (semi-fluent/advanced), English (basic/conversational)

Place of birth: Ilsan, South Korea

Hometown: Ilsan, South Korea & Granada, Spain.

Appearance/looks: Junhee loves to wear dress and shorts. She has a waist-length hair which she loves to wear accessories on her hair. She also loves to wear wedges.

Face claim: Lee Dasom

Gallery: Here

Back up face claim: Pony/Park Hye Min





So Beautiful My Girl

-Beautiful, B2st


Persona: Flower Power

Personality: Looks can be deceiving. She may be look like a cute and shy girl but she's not. That's just a faraway impression that people will have if they seen her picture in the internet or seeing her from afar. Once you meet her, she is definitely the real definition of loud, energetic and talkative. She never talk in a slow voice even she's feeling shy, because people would say she's never shy. If something happened and she's embarrased about it, she'll quickly changed the topic. She's energetic to the point that she can always do anything even from a full day of full schedule with a bright smile. She is talkative and even if she meet someone's new and even have a barrier in language, she will still talking like they knew each other for years. Always the one to brek the silence and initiate conversation, she has a bright smile and big laugh above all.

Apart from that, Junhee is also a posessive girl. She dislikes people touching her stuffs without her consent and she is a hot-tempered girl. If she's frustrated or angry, she'll just explode without thinking of the consequences and will alwas become the rudest person in the earth. She is known as an angel for her friend but a to her enemy. She is also posessive over her younger brother and people, stay away from him! Although se may be weird, she is actually a kind girl. She treats people how she want to be treated and she can be trusted with secret. She is also a good listener who can listen to your rambling with full of attention and never get boring and judgemental. But most importantly, don't make her surprised or try to fight with her. This girl has black-bet of jyudo and a master in boxing.

Background: Junhee is the first daughter as well as the first granddaughter in the family. She was loved by her grandfather that she get most of his properties under her name after his death. Her father is working in the Ministry f Defence and she grew up in an army-based camp. Her mother is a magazine editor and a fashion advisor. Her parents divorced when she was 6 years old and her father took her custody while her younger brother followed her mom. Both of them never get maried again and stay as friend. Sometimes, she got back to Korea to meet them or they'll come over to visit. Since small, she was already showing interest in performance and she has a good voice and confidence. She was sent back to Korea to attend an acting school but she was discovered with her younger brother at a performance in her mother's fashion show.

Family: Yoon Mi Hwan | 45 | Government Officer /Ambassador of Korean Ministry of Defence | 9 | They usually spend the dinner just to talk to each other and she was personally send to her school end fetched by her father everyday except when he has meeting to attend.

Kim Eun Ji | 42 | Magazine Editor/Fashion Advisor | 9 | She usually talk to her via phone and cme back to Korea to see her once every two month.

Yoon Junho | 15 | Student | 10 | They are really close and Junho keep most of her secret and vice versa. She is the sole protector of her brother and she will acts posessive over him.

Friends: Seohyun | 18 | 12 | 8 | Her seatmates as well as her closest friend. They usually gossiping around and shares most of their secret together.

Sulli | 15 | 10 | 7 | Her brother's all time crushes. She loves to tease them went the get together because apparently she also have feelings for him.

Key | 17 | 11 | 7 | Onew's closest friend. He will be the one who act as the mediator between them.

She is ambidextrous, but she uses her right hand more than her left hand.
She is a major failure in cooking and even burnt a toast.
She doesn't wear the same shoes for more than twice.
She can drive and she sometime drive illegally around.
She is afraid of cats and rats.
She is a heavy sleeper. She'll kick the people who wake her up.
She collects books without reading them.
She needs to watch something when eating.
She can play gayageum.

Ice-cream ; She loves orange-flavored ice-cream.
Pancake ; Her all-time favorite breakfast.
Skateboard ; She's mastering skateboard since elementary school.
Rolleroaster ; She loves the feeling of riding rollercoaster.
Orange ; Everything of hers must have at least that color.
Accessories ; She has a box of different kind of accessories.
Tulips ; Her favourite flower.
Coffee ; Caffeine -addicted.

Chocolate ; She dislikes the taste and she oesnt even know why.
Milk ; She just hate it.
Seafood ; Allergic.
Black : The color is too gloomy.
Needle ; She's afraid of needles.
People playing with her hair ; It makes her feel sleepy.
Biccycle ; She doesn't know how to ride it.

Magic tricks.
Playing skateboard.
Playing gayageum.
Immerse in emotion once she started acting.







Heart To Heart

  -Heart to Heart, 4minute 




Love Interest:

Name: Lee Jinki a.k.a Onew

Age: 18

Grade: 12 

Date of birth: 14 December 1995

Persona: The Clumsy Player

Personality: Onew is known as a bad boy guy, changing girls just like changing clothes. He's adorableness and his clumsiness make people didn't really care for him to just date them for a short time, as long as they can date him and know as his ex-girlfriend. As clumsy as he can be, he is actually a prince who ace it all. He sometimes fail but his determination when it comes to studying is something that can be praised. he's basically a nerd when it comes to study but outside class times, he is a dork. He is a clumsy guy who always forget his schedule and need to be reminded by his friends.

Major: Vocal Performance & Composing

How do you guys meet: A friend comes over to Junhee while cryig saying that Onew left him after dating for a week. She also told her although she doesn't really mind, but she's a little bit hurt knowing that Onew doesn't like her and feel jealous of his current new girlfriend. Feeling mad, Junhee decided to confront him but end up fighting about lame pick-up lined used by Onew when she was about to yell at him. Junhee then asked him to be her boyfriend and sets the rules that Onew shouldn't break anymore heart after that. 

Interactions: Onew acts like a good boyfriend around Junhee in front of everyone although he always end up being yelled and punched. He stll flirts around and check girls every now and then, but he will usually get a killer glare from Junhee after that. Junhee on the other hand trying her best not to fall in love with the player using tough and rude approach to hide her nervousness and weird feeling when she's around him.

Has a very good voice.
One of the best student in the school.
Afraid of pupies.
Loves playing soccer in free times.
Sometimes dozed off during class.
Wear spectacles when he's studying.
His favourite place is the library.





                                                            Crush: -Lee-Joon-mblaq-18981518-395-383.jpg



Name: Jung Yonghwa

Age: 17

Grade: 11

Date of birth: 22 June 1996

Persona: The Ace 

Personality: Yonghwa can be translated as a charismatic and determined guy. He is one of the best when it comes to sport and he can play almost everything. He can be sweet when he's talking but he bring that cold aura around him when he is focusing. He dislike people disturbing him when he is focusing and his friends usually loved to disturbed him and they will get a nag from him. He is very kind and somehow talkative around people he's comfortable with and awkward around people he doesn't know well.

Major: Acting & Theater

How do you guys meet: Junhee and Yonghwa were paired up in an activity in a theater class and Junhee saw how cool he was when he was focusing and immersing his character.

Interactions: They only meet each other in class but Junhee enjoys watching Yonghwa from afar and she always stare at him in amusement. Yonghwa on the other hand sometimes saw her staring and just flashed a bright smile which she will silently squealed with her friends.

He can play guitar very well.
He has thick accent and started to use it when he's excited.
His favorite sport is basketball.
He rarely can be seen outside his room, classes and gym.
He loves to eat fruit.
He is the principal nephew.





Tic Toc

-Tic Toc, Infinite

Grade: 12

Favorite subject: Accounting

Least Favorite subject: English

How were you discovered: Duet Performance for her mother's fashion show

Major: Theater and Musical studies.

Classes: Theater, Japanese, Accounting, English, Music, Literature

How do you get detention?: She was talking to secretly with her friends in English class when suddenly they started telling funny stories and she can't cover her big laughs.





As Good As It Gets        tumblr_m16w54rheb1qlor5p.gif

                                -As good as it gets, Infinite

Comments: Nice story! English is not my first language and please tell me if I made any mistake in the app. Hwaiting with the story! ^^

Suggestions: Maybe a trip or camping where they go together?



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