NaNoWriMo is coming!



Yesterday I went online on facebook and got information about this, I almost forgot this particular event that one of my friend told me last year. Time flew and now, I think it's a good chance to try something I've never tried before. 

To write a 50.000 words novel in a month. 

Last year I could only wish for the best to the author who join the event, never think that I can do that too. Now that I think of it, I was stupid back then. 

This year, I hope I'll get a chance to finish this. I've decided to make a novel. That is my newest, and probably my biggest goal beside my study and a project I currently taking before I was reminded of this event.

Everyone can participate in this event, amateur/professional writers, everyone. 

Let's welcome this writing month with joy!

For writers! Every one of them in this world. 





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I still don't get the whole thing...the project is yours? If yes ...I would like to join ^^