Just a...thing?

Okay, I know I've said a couple of times that I was going to start losing weight and then I've gave up or chickened out. Not this time.

I'm cutting high-sugar and high-fat foods - as well as bread -  out of my diet. I'm drinking more water, doing more exercise, eating more fruit and veg and keeping a diary. 

I am determined - this time - to lose a bit of weight.


Well actually, it's not my weight I'm bothered about. It's my body. I could care less about my weight and that's why I don't really weigh myself.
I'm just not comfortable with the way I look and I know everyone is going to be like "oh learn to accept your body blah blah blah". No. Don't try to discourage me, I know I'm not fat, but I'm not comfortable with who I am so no matter how many people nag me to just accept my body, I won't.


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kissmekris #1
don't worry, i feel the same way, i don't really care about my weight, i just hate having a muffin top, that's why i'm trying to lose fat, it's so annoying when people tell you not to lose weight, when you just want to make your body look nicer D:
Everything in moderation and people telling you to love your body aren't trying to discourage you... They are just telling you to stop worrying about what other people think about you and love yourself. 8).

You can do whatever you want a with your body, just know almost all diets fail, especially when you cut out things you are used to eating. You will go on this diet and within a week or maybe more you will be back to normal.

You can eat anything, just in moderation.

Yeah... don't mind me.
yeah, hwaiting~~! you can do it..
I'm not fat, but I have to lose weight so that my future life would be without backpain. Normal people have almost straight back with a nice little curve... but in my case that curve is a bit too deep and that's why every now and then my lover back aches. It got so bad with my mum that she actually couldn't walk properly anymore.

Now I'm doing the easy way of losing weigh. I jump around and do intense 'exercise' for about 15 minutes every day until I'm wet like a dog. According to Dr. Oz it's supposed to work... actually I should look up those foods that burn calories or whatnot on his website.

Don't you give up, girl!
I know how ya feel girl.....as someone who has a history of eating disorders, its still hard for me to accept my body. I know that i'm not fat, but i still don't exactly like the way i look....i eat like any other teenage girl, but i eat whole grains and more fruits and vegetables and less calories...i hate it too when ppl try to tell me "im skinny enough" or "you should just accept your body"...idk i guess theyr just trying to help, but nahh, i have a target weight that i want to eventually b (i'm 105lbs now)