I Don't Know What To Do With My Lllllliiiiiffffffeeeeeeee

I just feel like getting some stuff off my chest right now.

I know I'm not the only one out there that doesn't know they want to do with their life or what they want to be. But it's just so scary you know? I only have two years of high school left and I don't know what I want to do or what I want to become. I'm going to be in college soon, but I have absolutely no freakin' idea which college I want to go and what I want to major in. I live in California and there are like SO MANY great colleges here like UC Berkley, UCLA, Standford, UC Davis, etc. and I have no idea which one I want to go to! America has so many amazing colleges I don't know where to go!!! >.<

My parents want me to be in the medical business (I'm Asian, so yeah I expected that from them heheheh) But I'm afraid of blood. I'm not scared if they're just cuts, bruises or whatever only when someone's like bleeding nonstop, throwing up blood, etc. EWWWWW SO SCARY!!!

One time in my English 1 class, we were reading out of the textbook and the word 'blood' was in it a lot. We had the audio thing where someone on the CD reads the story and my hand started feeling weird whenever the person said blood. I ended up having to move my whole arm so I could take notes. Even when I watch these T.V. shows like CSI or whatever if someone is shot in the chest, then my chest feels weird. Or if someone waS being held hostage and then people came to save them, but the person gets held by someone else and a knife gets put next to their neck, my neck feels weird. I KNOW I'M WEIRD RIGHT? /shot

When I was litte I wanted to be an artist or writer. I was really creative and had a lot of imagination, but now I'm not. Because of not having so much imagination like I used to, I'm struggling with my English 2 class. ermahgerd guuuuyyyssss

I kinda wanted to be a fashion designer too, but idk~ I don't even kow how to sew or anything :P My parents said that I should do something that has computers involved since I like to be on the computer. lol if I do that, then I'd be one of those computer people that wears glasses (no offence to them and yep I wear glasses. Well I'm supposed to, but I don't :P)

My mom also said I should be an accountant like she was and go into the business world like her. But the thing is, in person, I'm shy and when I talk people make me repeat because they couldn't hear me. People tell me that my voice is soft and quiet. lol this is like the total opposite of how I act on here XD I don't think I'd be a good sales person/be in the accountant world. My dad always teases me that I'm not good at math :3 and my mom says "You're Asian, Asians are supposed to be good at math" Well thanks for telling me these kinds of things you big meanies!

My dad even says that my handwriting isn't good enough. They keep on comparing me to them or other people. Buttheads~ Meheheh. I'll call them whatever I want on here. /evil laugh

But seriously, when I complain that I don't want to do something my mom starts up with her story again. 'You know when I was only seven years old, I was already helping around the house. I was cooking, cleaning, doing the laundry, and helping your aunties and uncles with their school work! And here you are complaining. You're a teenager already and you don't do anything! You lazy !" Well at least I can bake! That was an awesome comback I know. Insert sarcasm XD

OMG Since I know how to bake, I've kinda thought what if I could like open a bakery or something or like just work at one! :D I'd be surrounded by deliciousness!~ Mmm~ OMFG YOU GUYS! I CAN LEARN HOW TO MAKE BAOZI THEN!! XDD WOW

I know how to make cheesecake!! Daehyunnie, want some cheescake? Hehehe, he's my B.A.P bias~ I miss his cute adorkable chubby cheeks :3 lol random xD

I like playing the piano. I just love how it sounds. Like so much! The piano just sounds so pretty and soothing. Maybe I should become a pianist then. ASDFGHJKL GOSH! I can't make up my mind!! I'm probably gonna turn out like my aunt who majored in so many things, but doesn't know what to do with them XD


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Lol im asiab toooo!!!!! My parents r jst like that lol
... That's not a bad idea.

You don't have to figure out what you want to be just yet though, but opening a bakery is a good idea for a later down job though.

You don't have to stick with one career your entire life, but if you want to open a bakery just TRY business, not accounting but just try business for a year.

My sister did Business, but she decided that she wants to do Psychology next year.

My teacher wanted to be an architect for most of his life then suddenly, he wants to be a teacher.

It's okay. An average person has 4-6 careers in their lives. :P

You seem more enthusiastic about the bakery, so try it.

Get a job (as many as you want) and then open a bakery. It's that simple. (okay, maybe not)

But don't be afraid to switch around your universities or courses if you arent comfortable with the one you're in.

Also do more things, actually do chores and go outside for fresh air. Try new things, it helps and makes you think clearer.

You have time though, don't worry.
OMG we have the same issue. Lol. Just slightly different. I'm Asian too.
Don't worry kyuhyun and changmin are planning revenge on buttheads :)