So I made two new posters...

I'm a first-timer so be nice... They're pretty meh though. :/
Oh wells, practice makes perfect.

I made this one first since LT doesn't have a poster.

Then I did this one right after (just now)...

I didn't put too much, because who am I kidding? I don't freaking no what to do or how to do it. Lol
So basically, I kept it as minimal as possible.

I did it using Pixlr, so for anyone who knows how to do bomb graphics on that, please teach me your ways.


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faithydoodles24 #1
They look great for a first-timer :)) Good Job! ^^
WOW, these are you really good! Wish I knew how to make posters! I can't decide which one I like better...
Isn't it kind of fun?! I'm glad I have someone to join me in the pixlr cyber newbie land.
These look great! What program did you use? :)