Blog#1: Jumping Too Fast of the Pace

Why is it that I'm focused on one story and then hop onto another? It's like this; I was working on Volume 2: Flightless and then looking back I regret not finishing my Volume One. I mean, the thing that comes to mind is that I can't make good volumes if I hadn't finish my hit first story. That's why I'm jumping back to the Lonely Angel and finish what I haven't.

During these weekends and days when I'm bored at school, I always doodle my OC's from Flightless and fanfictions I'm currently developing later. Most of the OC's involve Flightless and other story ideas I am thinking of putting up. But I decided to wait in another time.

In the mean time of discussing creative story ideas process, or CSIP as I shortened it just now, news about Vocaloid Fanfiction. I'm trying to develop the chapter captions whether it would be good to be placed that way. It's like a sequence when Hatsune Miku was published in the first chapter. I mean it's hard to make the creative process when there is so much research as when the songs released in order from date and the characters that were released also (I already gotten the characters down.) I need more subscribers and friends to help out on this situation.

Upcoming Events:

  1. Lonely Angel is back in action!
  2. Flightless is coming up soon
  3. Vocaloid in need of assistance :(
  4. Volume 3: Next year or 2 (Kinfolk Secrets)
  5. Volume 4: until 11th grade or earlier or later (Phoenix Cry)

Color of my Satisfaction/Emotions: Dark Purple (frustrated)


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