I'm done. With everything.

I can't take it anymore!!! I try so hard to keep people happy even if it means I'm not happy. Some people know this and they pity me. I hate pity! I hate lying to my family! I hate... I hate everything..... It's too much for me. Although I have an oppa to lean on and friends to count on, my love for my own family is just.... Moving. My eldest sister is doing drugs and smoking, my second eldest sister is disobeying my parents, and now my family is pressuring me telling me "Don't be like your sisters!" this is worst than the divorce. I remember how my mom and dad were fighting on moms birthday... Right in front of me. Mom sitting next to me, dad yelling at mom, and 5 year old me, watching everything happen. I promised to keep my family smiling after the divorce. But right now, I'm done. I'm done with family. Now I always love feeling of going to school, just because I'm away from my family. I realised a long time ago I don't like being near my family. I've always been fed up with them (except oppa). I'm done. I'm done with family. I'm done with pressure. And I am done with just everything.


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12a43689 #1
Athena ....... I swear you are such a dumb a**. You don't have to burden yourself like that.
Thazin123 #2
Unnie dont be said what umma vivianchan said was right so hana,dul,set FIGHTING!!! Hehe :)
vivianchan #3
don't worry I know how you feel I'm pretty much in the same situtation at least your lucky having an oppa but seriously just think about the future theres a whole world waiting there for you. If it makes you feel better think about all the people out there suffering in worse situations than you and most of them probably don't have any one to support them. You have your oppa, friends, even people on aff here to help so just please try. Try to think about the better future. Think about how your parents were the ones that raised you. They're just worried about you :) Although not everyone has the happiest marriages (my parents included), you should be happy your parents care. You simply feel this way because perhaps you, yourself, are a little disappointed about how your family has become but, really, it's not your fault, it shouldn't be. You have tried the best you could. Thank you for trying up until now but, please, try and withstand it just a little bit longer. Ok, this may sound bad that I'm saying this now but just think! When you get older you can run away from everything and live your own life! But just remember about your family. Never forget the happy times!! FIGHTING!!
AptonKey #4
That promise will work someday you just need time. I sort of know what you are going through exept I'm in the lower generation