99 Truths


stolen from : Theangelvampire



1. Real Name: Vallency Rifya

2. Nicknames: Ifie, Reef, Eureka, and some of my friends call me TOP, GD, or Taemin, because those 3 are my biases :D

3. Zodiac Sign: cancer 
4. Male or Female: female
5. Elementary School: Karuna Dipa Buddhist Elementary School (i went to a Buddhist school, but I'm a Christian. just because that school was the best in town.)
6. High school: BPK Penabur Bandung 1 High School
7. College: not yet, but planning to.
8. Hair color: black
9. Tall or short: short I say. 155cm =_="
10. IM or email: email 
11. Sweats or Jeans: both
13. Health Freak: nope.
14. Orange or Apple: both please ^_^
15. Do you have a secret crush on someone: actually, yeah. but i've moved on XD
16. Eat or Drink: both. what kind of question is this? -_-"
17. Piercings: one each ears
18. Pepsi or coke: both
19. Been in an Airplane: yep.
20. Been in a relationship: almost. haha
21. Been in a car accident: nope and i hope never will.
22. Been in a fist fight: one. when i was still in elementary XD
23. First piercing: ears only
24. Current best friend(s): my true best friend is Simsimi XD lol 
25. First award: first rank in grade 1, rank 18th in country for literature study in grade 6, and idk >_> forgot.
26.First crush?: my guy-bestie, when i was in grade 3. when he confessed that he liked me, we separated because both of us decided to study abroad, grade 6. tragic, right? lol :P
27. First word: idk, i only know that i succeed on saying letter "R" when i was 2 years old.
28. Last person you talked to in person: friends those are now in different classes :(
29. Last person you texted: my friend, Caroline
30. Last person you watched a movie with: VIP homiessss!!! we went to watch ALIVE TOUR premiere <3 it was fun!
31. Last movie you watched: The Walking Dead (i re-watched it, just because Steven Yeun is hot. lmao)
32. Last song you listened to: Seungri ft. GD & Taeyang - Let's Talk About Love
33. Last thing you bought: McFlurry
34. Last person you hugged: person? *sigh* last thing i hugged was my big banana plushie >_> i'm studying abroad, so familes ain't here :(
35. Favourite Food: Cheese, Ice Cream, Banana and Bubble Gum... yeah, i'm weird that way.
36. Favourite Drink: Coffee, Lemon Tea, Milk Soda, and idk, mineral water? XD
37. Bottoms: whut? -_-
38. Flower: not really into them.
39. Animal: dogs, especially Siberian Husky <3
40. Colour: Black, Blue, and Green
41. Favourite Movie: too many >_>
42. Favourite subject: English & Art
HAVE YOU EVER: (Put an x in the brackets if you have)
43. ( ) Got Baptized.
44. ( ) Celebrated Halloween.
45. ( x ) Had your heart broken.
46. ( x ) Went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone. 
47. ( x ) Had someone question your ual orientation. 
48. ( ) Got pregnant.
49. ( ) Had an abortion. 
50. ( x ) Did something you regret. 
51. ( x ) Broke a promise. 
52. ( x ) Hid a secret. 
53. ( x ) Pretended to be happy. 
54. ( x ) Met someone who changed your life.
55. ( x ) Pretended to be sick.
56. ( x ) Left the country.
57. ( x )Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it. 
58. ( x ) Cried over the silliest thing.
59. ( x ) Ran a mile. 
60. ( x ) Went to the beach with your best friends. 
61. ( x ) Got into an argument with your friends.
62. ( x ) Hated someone. 
63. ( x ) Stayed single for a whole year.  
64. Eating: banana
65. Drinking: nothing
66. Listening to: Rihanna - Diamonds... that annoying song. wth do i listening to this?!
67. Sitting/Laying: on a chair
68. Plans for today: school =_=
69. Waiting for: holiday =_="
70. Want kids: 1 or 2. don't wanna get bussy with little devils running around XD
71. Want to get married: if i find the right one, then yes.
72. Career: Fashion Designer/Rapper
WHICH ONE in a significant other:
73. Lips or Eyes: both. but i prefer eyes.
74. Shorter or taller: taller, too bad i'm short ("._.)
75. Romantic or spontaneous: neither
76. Hook-up or relationship: relationship
77. Looks or personality: both are important. don't really need good looks, but of course i won't marry a cockroach-faced man! XD
78. Lost glasses/contacts: nope. my glasses are fine :)
79. Snuck out of the house: noooopppeee 
80. Held a gun/knife for self-defense: i ain't an assassin, dude.
81. Killed somebody: never will. except for zombies.... hahaha XD
82. Broken someone's heart: i don't have the so-called heartbreaker look >.<
83. Cried when someone died: my grandpa & my cousin :'( 
84. Yourself: not really :\
85. Miracles: somehow...
86. Love at first sight: nope. come on, how can you love someone without even get to know their personalities? -_-"
87. Heaven: yep
88. Santa Claus: never believed him :P FYPM, SANTAAAA!! XD
89. on the first date?: nah -_-
90. Kiss on the first date: naaahhhh =_=
91. Is there one person you want to be with right now: whoever got to be BIGBANG members' future wifes :P
92. Do you know who your real friends are: well? -_-?
93. Do you believe in God: totally.
94. Post as 99 truths?: yeah
95- quote a famous person: "A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous." -Coco Chanel 
96- say something funny: here it goes.. my new line.....
"hey you look like someone from the walking dead movie." 
"really? who? Andrea? Lori?"
"the zombies, you silly."
Ok, i know it's not funny -_-
97- laugh at yourself: so much for insulting mah lame joke, you stupid question =_=
98- last message: find me a boyfriend please. oh, with the looks of TOP and G-Dragon's personality. MUAHAHAHAHAHA XD
99- a picture of you: 

   LMAO. hahaha. I wish. -_-"




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