This is not a good sign.

It's only Monday and my brain feels like mush. Who knew applying for scholarships could be so tiring? Seriously. >< It's really hard to write 300-500 words bragging about how awesome you are. I'm stalling until I decide to start my actual homework, though it's probably not the brightest idea in the world. You'd think that teachers would take it easy on you with all the that needs to be done for college. But nooo.... Anyways, I'm gonna go do my homework before I really regret it. Peace! ^^b


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I know how you feel! >.< I have finals coming up and all the teachers are stacking the homework up on me! And I WANT to procrastinate but I can't :( because my parents will all be like "What are you doing messing around on the computer instead of working?! You're grounded from the computer for a week!"