99 Truths aka Mary's too damn bored

(taken from AptonKey, hope she doesn't mind)

I've done this a million times before but I have nothing else to do...actually a fic is waiting for me but I felt like it ok? Sue me xD

(ing I was finishing this and the page closed off ¬¬)

1. Real Name: María Francisca Vera (always wanted to hear an english speaker pronouncing it :D)
2. Nicknames: Mary, Mery, , ...etc
3. Zodiac Sign: Cancer 
5. Elementary School: Don't matter, you won't know it
6. High school: ^ same
7. College: long story
8. Hair color: Reddish Brown (it's natural ¬¬)
9. Tall or short: 158cm I'm a hobbit
10. IM or email: uhhhmmm...
11. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans just cuz I don't own sweats T.T WHO WANTS TO GIVE ME A PAIR OF SWEATS??
13. Health Freak: Nop, I'm vegan though so I don't eat "normal or regular" cookies, chocolates, sweets, etc...
14. Orange or Apple: If it's red apple then orange, if it's green apple then apple
15. Do you have a secret crush on someone: 3456789098765432345678 idols
16. Eat or Drink: Drink
17. Piercings: 8 in my ears
18. Pepsi or coke: None, don't drink sodas
19. Been in an Airplane: Yup
20. Been in a relationship: Why would I? xD
21. Been in a car accident: Yes, minor though
22. Been in a fist fight: I'm a pacifist so not recently but maybe when I was a kid cuz my nieced used to bite my skin off my arms or try to choke me with a pillow xD
23. First piercing: 4 in my earlobes when I was like 3 days old
24. Current best friend(s): this korean bastard son of a lovely lady who abandoned me to go eat Kimchi in Korea xD
25. First award: uhmmm idk in a debate maybe?? or for being a good student when I was a kid
26. First crush: Never really had one
27. First word: Aunt, my mom was pissed
28. Last person you talked to in person: My mom
29. Last person you texted: My nerdy retards in KakaoTalk, we have a group chat
30. Last person you watched a movie with: My cousin's daughter, we went to see Grave Encounters 2...pretty fun but not scary at all
31. Last movie you watched: Restless s
32. Last song you listened to: Do I wanna know? by Arctic Monkeys IEST SONG EVER
33. Last thing you bought: Yesterday I bought a vegan sandwich, 2 bubble teas and a Lush face moisturizer (which stole all my money, ing cream)
34. Last person you hugged: I don't hug, people hug me against my will
35. Favourite Food: Salads with tons of vegetables
36. Favourite Drink: Starbucks' Fraps, Teas, Coffee, Vanilla Almond milk and Water
37. Bottoms: Define bottoms, you mean as in jeans and skirts or Kyungsoo and Baekhyun?
38. Flower: Not a fan of flower, love Bonsais though
39. Animal: Panda, White Tiger and Black Panther
40. Colour: Red and Black
41. Favourite Movie: A TON, Tim Burton's, Legally Blond 1 and 2, A Clockwork Orange...and a bunch of others
42. Favourite subject: At school? it was Philosophy
HAVE YOU EVER: (Put an x in the brackets if you have)
43. (x) Got Baptized. And it backfired straight in my mom's face
44. (x) Celebrated Halloween. BEST HOLIDAY EVER
45. ( ) Had your heart broken.
46. (x) Went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone. 
47. (x) Had someone question your ual orientation. Those were some annoying talks with my aunt and fun trolling with my classmates
48. ( ) Got pregnant. don't even joke about it
49. ( ) Had an abortion. 
50. (x) Did something you regret. Haven't we all?
51. (x) Broke a promise. Sadly
52. (x) Hid a secret. We all have secrets ;)
53. (x) Pretended to be happy. 
54. (x) Met someone who changed your life. I like to think so
55. ( ) Pretended to be sick.
56. (x) Left the country.
57. (x)Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it. 
58. ( ) Cried over the silliest thing. Don't cry easily
59. ( ) Ran a mile. Do I look like I move? xD
60. (x) Went to the beach with your best friends. 
61. (x) Got into an argument with your friends.
62. ( ) Hated someone. Don't have enough time and energy
63. (x) Stayed single for a whole year. It's not hard y'know? xD
64. Eating: Air
65. Drinking: Lemon and green apple infusion
66. Listening to: She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5
67. Sitting/Laying:  Laying on my bed
68. Plans for today:  It's 23:33 and I'm already in bed so just read the night away
69. Waiting for: Someone to tell me what I want
70. Want kids: No
71. Want to get married: Nope
72. Career: Wish I knew 
WHICH ONE in a significant other:
73. Lips or Eyes: Both plz
74. Shorter or taller: Taller which is not hard considering I'm a midget
75. Romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneous, romance works only in fics for me :)
76. Hook-up or relationship:  Hook up
77. Looks or personality: 
I'm not gonna lie, both...cuz looks are the first thing you see, the trait you get interested at first and personality should be the trait you stay for
78. Lost glasses/contacts: Don't need them
79. Snuck out of the house: Nope, I'm a good girl xD
80. Held a gun/knife for self-defense: No
81. Killed somebody: Only in my sleep xD
82. Broken someone's heart: Hope not...
83. Cried when someone died: My guinea pig
84. Yourself:  Sometimes
85. Miracles: No
86. Love at first sight: Nop
87. Heaven: Nope
88. Santa Claus: He better be, I expect my gifts 
89. on the first date:  It could happen
90. Kiss on the first date: Why not?
91. Is there one person you want to be with right now: Not really...although...if it mean I get to go to the country that person lives in then I'll say my fiancé cuz I can totally use being in England right now xD
92. Do you know who your real friends are: I hope I do
93. Do you believe in God: No
94. Post as 99 truths:  Ok?
95. quote a famous person: 
“when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write " you" right under your nose.” 
-- J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye
96. say something funny:  Something funny
97. laugh at yourself:  Hahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha...is that good?
98. last message:  Read guys, it's the easiest way to make people believe you're smart :)
99. a picture of you: I'll just put my profile picture cuz I'm too lazy to search for another xD Try to not get too scared so you can sleep ok? 


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Khamila #1
haha hobbit xD
Awhh you're so small how cute and YES DO I WANNA KNOW IS THE IEST SONG EVER! (and knee socks omfg my fave on the AM album) /coughs/ excuse me. Holy ur nails wow
ThatVerySong #3
me I'm scarred for life now thank you very much! xD Ahh yes the sun is shining here for once and damn it I love your nails >.< Good old J.D. Salinger.
Haha muy bien! I will steal it from you, is that okay? :)
Raveness #5
Unnie..... I'm sorry but I'm not going to lie and say I read the whole thing ^^" I read most of it though!

You're so pretty in your picture ^.^