
So this is Daryl Dixon-look-a-like and I:


Today was the Zombie Walk in Iowa, and this guy friggin’ looked like Daryl Dixon..

So my friend saw this guy and she started freaking out saying that she saw Daryl Dixon. She showed me him and I was like WE NEED A PICTURE. So we went into fangirl mode and followed him….that’s now weird…my friend started getting nervous to ask. So I’m just like, “Just go ask him!” my heart was also racing! So we were just like “can we get a pic..” and he’s like “sure”. 

This was just the best day EVER. (He is frickin' tall yo!)


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YOU ARE IN IOWA TOO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I thought that me and my friends were the only kpop fans around... and I was at zombie walk too!!!!