asdfghjklkjhgfds what should I do??!!!

ok so today there are this 2 boys asking me to be their gf.One of them is 14 while the other is 13.And I wanna say no but I do wanna atleast feel what it likes to be in a relationship.

And another thing is that there is this boy,he is my friend and we is asking me who I like.So should I tell him or not????? huhuh...please help me!


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If you are 13 or younger, trust me, you do not need to be worrying about this at your age.
Honestly I don't know what to say since I never been in this kind of situation before...
(I'm 16 and never got into a relationship. A loser I know.. =_=) but anyway,I think the best thing you should do is just follow your heart. What does it tells you? If you like one of them,then he's the one. But if neither the two is the one that you like,then its not worth it..
as much as I wanted to be in a relationship, I forbid myself. there was a guy who asked me to be his girlfriend but since I was afraid and I love someone else I didn't answer him and I'm still single right now. XD

but it's your choice XD
allyssacheleth #4
how old are you? Haha.. I'm just copying the comments Down here
how old are you ? ._.
How old are you?
Lol how old are you?