Feeding myself with GIFs of OTPs

I'm in one of those random moods again and felt like listing down my ships because I just realised that I don't have a lot.
(Usually, as I much as I adore how cute A looks with B, I wouldn't really care if that person ends up with Z)
Now, even though I wasn't asked, nyahahahaahahah-- Here are my ships!!
The ones that sank
The one that never haven't set sail
The ones that are cruising
3 GIFs = I won't abandon until I grow old enough to have to worry about getting a job and all the other real world blekhs.
AFF Wishlist := A complete, full-length JayEun fanfic
p/s : What are your ships?
edit: I ship JayEun because he's awesome and she's awesome. No, you don't need any other reason to ship a couple. Hahah. Hah.
But seriously.
confession: I think I just want to know that they dated at some point just because I think Jay and YeEun's characters would've clashed so much which would've made that perfect and JayEun was like the first fanfic I ever read. Ever. (jitchoo's winglin fic)(I didn't even read Bebu fics because they were all written in chinese characters which sadly I can't read)(EchoTin went all Titanic on me before I even knew shipping existed) and they did Jeong together as rookies and this is so dumb because "got YeEun on the vocals" is all I have to go on. 
Aside from the fact that on YeEun's thank you note to Jay's was the most elaborate.
"10 out of 10 points PM! Leader JaeBum who doesn't know how to treat his sunbaes and hoobaes properly. (do you still go to that shop?)"


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what about chaneun??