Kyu Lose for Min!

Hi! it's my first time writing post.. so forgive me if i make mistakes.. and english isn't my mother language, sorry for typos..

and now for KYUMIN SHIPPER!! 

have you watch SJ-M ASIAN LOVER variety show?

if you haven't, you better watch it.. 

because there was a game when Kyuhyun have to fight with Sungmin, not in bad way of course...

they only have to push one another, till one of them fall.. 

at first time kyuhyun could defeat Ryewook, Siwon then Henry...

but when it comes to Sungmin, Kyuhyun let Sungmin pushed him only once and make Kyuhyun fall...

he looked like purposely lose from Sungmin, and its really sweet~


here's the link ->


hope u like it!! thanks :D


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ladyrapunzel08 #1
^^ have u seen a gif that kyu was saying that he wnats a chinese gf? Min turnedto him 180 degrees hahaha probably giving him a glare hahah