I think.... I'm crazy

HELLO THERE MY LOVELY CHINGU~~~~ So the title is kinda explaning itself ^_^" Right now I'm smiling like a creep and I'm trying to stop so I can think straight but I keep smiling and I can't think! What should I do? (ps: I'm feeling very jumpy right now xD)


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Are you still smiling right now chinggu?! kekeke... Did something good happen to make you smile like that?! hahaha... I know the feeling... so usually I just cover my face with my handkerchief and make people think that nothing's wrong... hahaha....
arrianwhite #2
you wear mask. so people dont know that you're smilling like a creep. sometimes when i did this i always cover my face. maybe it little look like suspicious.. XD
think about something sad xD Stop eating sugar!~
you are not crazy! You are just HYPER!
The best kinda people are. Think of Disney movie endings