All Work and No Play makes Jill a cranky B.

I'm so tired right now, but I've got so much to do. I jsut want to lay down in my bed and read a fan fic until my eyes droop shut. Is it too much to ask for a little break. I was up for a job oreintation at 7 this morning after having a panicky sleep because my phone alarm is bipolar. And that orientation lasted like 3 hours and it started at 9. After that I had to eat cause I skipped breakfast. Then I had take my brother to work. And I want to nap, but if I do I want be waking up for a good 7 hours. I have to be to my current job in a hour. I really feel like punching someone. :( Then I've got these fics I started and haven't finished because I'm utterly drained. Then I'm trying to get back in school. I'm not getting anything done. Ugh! I'm so done with myself. I hope I don't step on any toes at work. 


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It's okay Unnie, things will be better!! Right now it may seem like everything is demanding but jusg remember, there is always a new day. ^^* and in that new day could be a better day. Evryday may not be good but there is good in everyday! Hwaiting!!