
Yeah, I just discover that option and .____.
Why I didn't see that eariel? Ah,l I know. I don't have glasses on my nose.
Soo... Maybe I will introduce myself to you? You want?
Let's start~~
I'm Olivia (but I prefer Liv), I'm almost 16 years old. I come from Poland, city is Wroclaw.
My English is not excellent but I can comunicate with people in another country.
I love meet people from other country so if You want, You can write to me.
I'm crazy girl, I like sing, draw, dance, write, meet people lesten music (especialy Jrock and K-pop).
I have red, very, very curly hair (like in 18th Englad, they look like big spring).
I love you, guys~~
c'mon write to me~~


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