My Head Feels Weird

After being on the ship for more than 2 hours, my head feels weird. It doesn't hurt but I feel like I'm still in the ship, floating in the waters.  The waters are really harsh this time of the year.  My poor mom who hates traveling whether on plane or ship, really got pale.  She gripped her friend's arm really hard.  I can imagine how hard it is since she gripped me really tight when she had a claustrophic episode years ago.  I think the reason why she didn't grip me was because I was trying to sleep through the rough ride which I successfully did for an hour.  Luckily, when I woke up, we were already at the part where the water became calm.  That was earlier today.


Yesterday was a different thing.  It was worser yesterday. I felt a bit seasick yesterday, but it's nothing compared to how my mom really felt seasick.  She was close to vomiting multiple times, but she tried not to.  Well, she did end up spitting some saliva~ 


Maybe I should just lie down on bed~ My head feels really weird.


I miss the internet though and aff even though I was only gone for one and a half days. Hahaha!


Where I went? I'll talk and blog more when I feel better... perhaps tomorrow.  I might even post pictures, so you'll see the nice places I went and my ugly face XD



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This was posted yesterday so are you better now?
hmmm yh take some rest
but that last line tho'
Hope you feel better <3
My mum gets really sea sick and hates flying.
Get some rest and I hope your head feels better~ ^^
take a rest...
you need it...
