Get to know me (taken from playfulkissbof)

1) My height : 161cm (I'm short right? xD )

2) My age : 14 years old ( 15 in Korea )

3) Shoe size :  UK: 6 ( if someone wants to buy me shoes xD )

4) Do I smoke? No.

5) Do I drink? No.

6) Do I take drugs? No.

7) Age I get mistaken for : They often tell me i look older, for them i look like a 16 yrs old girl, but i think i look younger huh??.

8) Have tattoos? No.

9) Want any tattoos? Yes. Taoris on my back..

10) Have any piercings? Hmm, nope.

11) Want any piercings? Yes.. like Tao's one

12) Best Friend :  here in AFFand also real life , SongJiHana

13) Relationship status:  Single (married to Kris actually xP) 

14) Biggest turn on: sincerity and good manners.

15) Biggest turn off: cockiness and insecurity 

16) Favourite movie: The Conjouring

17) I'll love you if... you don't hurt my feels

18) Someone I miss:  My crush

19) Most traumatic experience:  My ex cheated on me

20) A fact about my personality: Openminded and friendly

 21) What I hate most about myself: i'm careless and super talkative.

22) What I love most about myself: always smiling even when I'm sad

23) What I want to be when I get older: An interial designer

24) My relationship with my siblings: good even though we fight everyday  (bcoz of BiAS)

25) My relationship with my parents: Great

26) My idea of a perfect date:  i'm okay with any date as long as we won't feel awkward

27) A discription of the boy I like:he looks like Tao

28) A discription of the person I dislike the most:  Fake people 

29)A reason I've lied to a friend: I have never lied to a friend. 

30) What I hate most about work/school: Exams 

31) What my last text message says: "Add me on KaTalk: ILoveYouKrisTao and WeChat: Ey_Ainaz "

32) What words upset me the most: Koreans looks gay (DAFUQ are you??)

33) What words make me feel the best about myself;   People call me CREATIVE

34) What I find attractive in women: their hair

35) What I find attractive in men: his eyes

36) Where I would like to live: Korea 

37) My childhood career choice: Scientist

38) My favourite Ice-Cream flavour: Vanilla 

39) Who I wish I could be: i want to be myself, but sometimes i wish i was a korean girl

40) Where I want to be right now: Beside EXO

41) The last thing I ate: i drank a cup of Nescafe

42) iest person that comes to my mind immediately:  Wu YiFan

43) A random fact about anything:  I can't cook.. 


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Coralia #1
Ohhh! You miss your crush *wriggles eyebrow while grinning*
My idea of a perfect date is anything as long as Myungsoo/L.Joe/Baekhyun is there ( Just a crazy little gull XD )
MizzPeel0007 #2
So, you want to marry Kris or Tao? I think they may be both top on your list.
Must admit they are really good looking.