▐░ : HAEDO APARTMENTS ↺ moon hara.


username : --wonwoo

nickname : rara

activity level : 7

comments/questions : n/a

scene request(s) : n/a

scene suggestion(s) : n/a

password : isn't he lovely? /slaps seokmin away



ulzzang : baek sumin

pictures : gallery

back-up : ( same as above )

pictures : ( same as above )

appearance : has dimples on both of her cheeks, her face is oval-shapped, has a wavy hair, her skin is tanned (like sistar's bora), her hair color was dark brown but she dyed/highlighted it

style : her style is kind of simple, she likes to wears loose shirts along with shorts/hot pants or skinny jeans. she also likes to mix and match, hit-and-color. she rarely wears skirts or dresses. but in her closet, you would find different types of shoes, sweaters, shirts, dresses, caps, skinny jeans, and many more. she even sometimes cound't decide which to wear. since she has a wavy hair, she doesn't style her hair often. usually she only let it down her back or put it into a messy bun.
九つ 十一 十二

extras : has two piercings on her right ear and an ordinary one on her left, a tattoo of horcrux sign on her nape


name : moon, hara

other name(s) : english -- hayley

nickname(s) :
+ rara -- her mother gave it, kind of a childhood name

+ elle -- since her younger siblings couldn't say her english name properly, so when they said hayley it sounds like elle

age : 21

birthday : 02/27

birthplace : busan, s. korea

hometown : busan, s. korea

ethnicity : full korean

language(s) :
+ korean -- native

+ british english -- fluent
+ japanese -- conversational

height & weight : 168 cm -- 48 kg

blood type : o





personality :

cold. that was probably the first word you thought when you saw her. it is true that she's cold. but there's a reason behind that cold side of hers. what's the reason? hm, i think you should find it out by yourself. hara is a i-don't-care-about-what-you-think-of-me kind of girl. "i do what i want and what i love" as quoted from her. a hard-headed young lady and a stubborn one. if you saw/heard her saying that she stand for one thing, she will stand for it until the end whether it's right or wrong. she's also a awkward turtle, this is one of the reason why she was called cold. she actually doesn't know how to greet or treat people corectly. if she's in an awkward situation, she would put her poker face on.
but! did you know that she has another side of hers that you might like? she has this motherly side that everybody who knows her likes her. once she opens up to you, you'll know her true beauty. she's a caring and protective girl. not that type of protective, just protective. she's also an easyly jealous type of girl. tsk, bossy girl. just another flaw she has. she would act bossy when she's in a group project.


background : 

her story was a bit complicated. she was born in busan, south korea to an accountant, gil jeongjin and an english teacher, moon ahra. but when she was only two years old, her parents divorced. her mother then moved back to the family's house and change hara's surname from gil to moon -- because she doesn't want to remember anything about hara's father. two years later, the four-year-old hara already went into a kindergarten near her house. she was a cheerful girl, she couldn't stay still; ran here and there. and when her mother re-married to a mechanical and have a son. her life became better because she thought that now she has a father and a little brother.
a year later, her step-father got fired from a company he was working. since then, her mother worked harder because her father started to drink. lapse of a year, her mother gave birth to a daughter. her step-father gone crazy because of this, he said that her mother's payment isn't enough for four mouth and now another mouth added to be fed. her step-father started to abuse her mother. because she couldn't take it anymore, she divorced again. at the age of six, she moved to the u.k with her mother's family. she stayed there until she turned 12.
after 6 years lived in the u.k., she returned to her hometown. ever since the incident of her step-father abusing her mother, she became a cold person to strangers. therefore she doesn't have many friends both in the u.k and in her hometown when she moved back. the only best friend she has in the u.k were ariana, sarah, and nova. and when she moved back to busan, only two girls have a courage to talk to her, they are seoyeon and ae eun. the three of them became inseparable.
high school was... well, it was fun years. ae eun and hara got accepted in the same school while seoyeon got accepted to another school. she wasn't as closed as before, she started to open up to the other. she made lots of friends during high school. and when she was 16, her mother re-married again to an architech with two children. his son was only a year younger than her while his daughter was only 3 years old. she had no problem with her new family since her new father is nicer than the previous one.
after she graduated high school, she wasn't thinking of continuing her study. but she didn't know that her step-father already enrolled her to hongik university and she got accepted. at first she didn't want to go because she didn't want to be alone there. but she went to seoul alone anyway. her step-father bought her an apartment near her campus so it would be easier for her. but... a year later, her step-brother followed her to seoul because he wanted to persue his dream becoming a radio dj. no wonder her step-father bought a two bedrooms apartment.

likes :
+ books; she couldn't live without books, she always brings books everywhere she go

+ her iPod; she loves her iPod as much as she loves books
+ cats; even though she's allergic to cats' fur, she loves this cute creature
+ caramel macchiato; or in general coffee
+ rain; she likes the smell of wet ground when the first drops of rain falling to the earth and the sound of the water's droplets
+ dawns; she likes to wake up in early mornings so she can see the sun rise and the cold, refreshing wind
+ playing her guitar; she likes the sounds of the strings when she played them
+ baking; she loves baking since she was younger, her grandmother tought her how to bake

dislikes :
+ snakes; she got biten by a snake before
+ men's collonge; only if its too strong, she would start to sneeze
+ her allergic to cats' fur
+ her allergic to seafoods

habits :
+ she would start making faces when she's bored
+ she would stick her tongue out when she did something wrong
+ she would start jumping when she's nervous

hobbies :
+ reading
+ playing guitar
+ listening to music
+ surfing the internet
+ baking
+ playing basketball


trivia :
+ she has asthma
+ she's also an anemic; therefore she can't stand for a long time and tire herself out
+ her guitar was a birthday present from her best friends in the u.k before she moved back to korea
+ her favorite color is purple and blue
+ she likes to collect all about fashion
+ she wanted to be a fashion designer when she was younger
+ she doesn't like to write a journal
+ she's very active on her social media accounts; twitter and instagram @hayleymoon
+ she has a boy-ish voice and she likes to prank-call her friends saying that she's a cop
+ she's at aegyo
+ she always brings umbrella in her bag no matter what season it is
+ she's a shopping freak
+ she hasn't been in a relationship before nor got her first kiss
+ she learned taekwondo when she's in the u.k and got the black belt along with minjun


family :

step-father : boo jinho : 43 : architech : protective, funny, kind : the two of them aren't that close since when her mother married to him, she was already 16, but he treat her like his own daugther : 6/10
mother : moon ahra : 41 : english teacher : protective, stritc, funny, caring : lots of people said that they looked like a twin because they both have the same facial feature, except that hara has her father's nose, her mother is her best friend in short : 8/10
step-brother : boo seunggwan : 20 : radio dj : funny, caring, loud : seunggwan always know how to brightens the day, he knows how to make hara smile when she was feeling down, but they mostly acts like cat-and-dog : 9/10
half-brother : seo minjun : 17 : student : calm, caring, protective : just like seunggwan, minjun also know how to brightens the day and makes hara laugh, also acts like cat-and-dog : 9/10
half-sister : seo jieun : 15 : student : cheerful, lovely : jieun is like a key of the family, if she's away the house would be like in a gloomy cloud, hara plays the guitar while jieun would sing : 7/10
step-sister : boo hyerim : 8 : student : a bit y : yes, this little lady is a bit y, what she want must be grant : 5/10

friends :

best friend : pyo seoyeon : 21 : real estate development student : crazy, loud : seoyeon is just like hara's daughter, why? because she always acts like she's hara's daughter : 9/10
best friend : han ae eun : 21 : medical science student : funny, crazy : both of them like bigbang and they would spazz about them, they also shared the same hobbies; playing basketball : 9/10
friend : kim jonghyun/jr : 23 : underground rapper : funny, crazy, loud, caring : jonghyun and hara are just like siblings since hara doesn't have an older brother she always wanted, they treat each other just like they're an actual siblings : 7/10


name : jeon wonwoo

personality :

wonwoo is a quiet, caring and sweet guy. he doesn't talk much to strangers just like hara. yes, hara and wonwoo is somehow alike. once he let you into his life, you would see a caring and sweet wonwoo. he would make sure you're healthy and comfortable. he would also do whatever to make you smile. "happy girls are the prettiest" he said.

how they met :

they met in an exhibition where one of wonwoo's best pictures got displayed. she stood there, watching every details of the pic. it was beautiful though, it attracts many people. she smiled and read the note. "true love never dies -- jw" it read, the words fit the picture; an old couple walking at the park on an auntumn evening. "i wonder who's the owner of this beautiful picture" she thought, but guess she said it loud enough that the guy beside her smiled. "beautiful, isn't it?" hara nodded her head.

why does she likes him :

they found out that they have lots in common and the fact that they live in the same apartment building make the both of them closer. she likes, of course, his caring and sweet side.

interaction :

"good morning!" with a bright smile, "let's have lunch together, i know this one good cafe", "wah, it's beautiful! let's take a picture together!", "good night, sweet dreams". they would "accidently" meet each other in the lobby in the mornings -- well, mostly wonwoo would wait for her. then he would offer her to have lunch together with him. she would drag him to a park and take a picture together. in the end of the day, they would bid their goodbyes with a sweet smile on their lips.

back-up : ( seventeen only )


name : kim jonghyun aka jr

job : underground rapper

personality :

funny, crazy, loud, caring. those are the four words that fits his personality. her definitely know how to have fun, making jokes, and prank his friends. charismatic and charming, he surely attracts lots of girls attention but that doesn't make him a playboy. he also is a caring guy.

how they met :

they met in a cafe. it was a busy monday where hara was waiting for her caramel macchiato when a guy stumbled over his feet and spilled his drink on hara's sweater. she was shock and ready to burst out but she held it in because the guy saying too much apologize and tried to wipe the coffee. she stopped him and mumbled an it's okay before she took her caramel macchiato and left.

reason :

after a few times they met and talk, he realized that he slowly started liking hara. he would brought her to an underground club where he was working, but protectively wrapped his arm around her so that no one would disturb her, saying that she's his -- deep inside he really wish that she's his.

interaction : jonghyun and hara are just like siblings since hara doesn't have an older brother she always wanted, they treat each other just like they're an actual siblings.

back-up : ( can be from any group or an oc )


what do you do for a living? i'm a student at hongik university, business and econimics major

which floor? 7th because i like the number 7 and the view's really cool here

room type? two bedrooms

do you live alone? or no? no, i live with my crazy little brother




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