// ❤flower application 〉Lily || Leader, Rapper and Main Vocalist || Im Soo Min


Username: whitechocolover  ||  What can I call you: Mimiey  ||  level of activity: 09

  It´sall about me;
  Name: Im Soo Min
  Nickname(s): Soo - shorter nam by her friend.
  Minnie - her family.
  D.O.B: 01.01.1990
  Age: 23
  Birthplace: Granada, Spain
  Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
  Nationality: Korean-Spanish
                                                        Languages: Korean and Spanish (fluent), France (semi-fluent), English (basic)


Beautiful Girl;

Name of Faceclaim: Nam Ji Hyun
Pictures:  01  || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05

Name of Backup Faceclaim:
Pictures: 01  || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05  (hyperlink 5 pics)

I like you, I don´t like you;
» Coffee ; She is addicted to coffee.
    » Chocolate ; Her stress reliever.
    » Hello Kitty ; Her accessories are Hello Kitty.
    » Harry Potter ; Her favorite movie if Harry Potter.
    » Lavender ; She likes the color and the scent. It makes her feels calm.
    » Seafood ; Especially crab.
    » Apple ; An apple a day makes the doctor away.
» Driving ; She dislikes driving although she has international valid license.
    » Cats ; She's afraid of cats.
    » Cooking ; She is a major failure in cooking.
    » Carbonated drinks ; She dislikes the taste.
    » Cotton candy ; Too sweet and fluffy.
    » Zombie : She have a love-hate relationship with zombies movie.
    » Bread ; She's allergic to flour-based food.
» Drawing ; Specializes in drawing portrait and landscape.
   » Gardening ; She loves taking care of plants.
   » Cleaning ; She just hates dirty places.

» Twirls her hair when thinking.
    » Pouted when confused.
    » Start nagging when she gets frustrated.
    » Writing diary every night before sleeping.
    » Humming a song anytime and anywhere.

    » Dark places.

» She is ambidextrous, but she uses her left hand more.
     » She has a wardrobe full of Hello Kitty's accessories.
     » She never get bore watching Harry Potter. Her favorite character is Hermione.
     » She knew how to do magic tricks.
     » She arranges her bed right after she wakes up.
     » She always sleep with the light open except if someone sleeps with her.
     » She prefers headphone over headphone cause it hurts her ears.
     » She has perfect pitch.
     » She dislikes taking picture of herself.
     » She has her family pictures in her room and in her wallet and put in as the wallpaper of her phone

Soo Min is an optimistic girl who always sees failures as opportunities to succeed in the future. She believes with talents and hardwork, everyone can be successful in the future. Any downfall in her life is accepted with an open heart although it's hurt. She's always looking forward for the next day and wakes up with a smile on her face. She's a kind girl who always put her members before her. She takes care of the members well and always be the best listener for them. Although she is not really good in giving advice, she believes sometimes, all you need is a hug. And people always come to her to rant if they have any problems because they know their secrets are safe with her.
Aprt from that, Soo Min is quite a loud and like to nag. She is a very keen of cleanliness and while she's cleaning, she will nag about how people should take care of their environment and stuffs. Even if she's cleaning the whole house for two hours, she will never stop nagging. She is also a secretive girl and mostly tried to hide her secret without telling anyone. If you want to know anything about her, her top secret will be all in her diary. 

Dear Family;

Father:  Im Hyung Sin || Lecturer || Alive || Calm, Serious, Warm and Supportive || 9
Mother: Kim Hyu Jin || Housewife || Dead || Gentle, Caring, Strict and Patient || 10

Sibling 1: Im Jae Woo || 21 || Sudent - Photography || Jae woo is a reliable guy who Soo Min can rely on> He's dependable and do all the house works really well. He's a quiet guy and give out cold and mysterious aura around him in first impression, but once you know him, he's actually a funny and innocent guy. || Both of them are close since they are only two years apart from each other. They share most of the secret together and he sometimes act like an oppa towards Soo Min.
Sibling 2 : 
Im Jae Bum (JB) || 19 || Idol (JJ Project) || JB is a cute but mature guy. He is protective over his sister and he always takes care of them. He's bright and mischievous and loves to prank his siblings. || Jaebum loves to prank Soo Min and they always end up starting verbal fight with each other. Although they are four years apart, the fact that they are in the same industry make them closer with each other.
Sibling 3 : Im Soo Jin |} 16 || Student || Soo Jin is a shy and innocent girl who gives her trust easily. She can be quite rebellious at times. || Soo Min is really close with Soo Jin and they text each other every morning. Although Soo Jin is quite rebellious, she only obeyed Soo Min and reported every single thing she done to her.

Let´sstay together;
Best Friend: Go Ah Ra || 23 || Actress/Model 
Personality: Ah Ra is a bright and cheerful girl. She usually talkative and always the first to initiatae conversation with others. She is also kind and helpful and treat others how she want to be treated. She stands on her own ground and never takes anyone's opinion to move forward except when she needs to. Ah ra also loves to prank others and usually will be the one who created laugh to everyone.
How they act around each other: Ah Ra and Soo Min usually meet each other in the company and send a hug or just hold each other hands. They also loves to hangout with each other over cups of coffee and share each other's stories.
How they met: Ah Ra and Soo Min are friends from high school. They met in school and become friends.

Friend 1: Choi Soo Young || 23 || Idol - SNSD || Loud, cheerful, blunt and caring || 6 
Friend 2 : Kim Minseok (Xiumin) || 23 || Idol - Exo M || Innocent, bright, hardworking and wise || 6
Friend 3 : Park Si Yeon || 23 || Kindergarten teacher || Talkative, determined, caring and dependable || 8
Friend 4 : Jang Hyumin || 24 || Computer Programmer || Mischievous, funny, witty and energetic || 7
Friend 5 : Lee Sung Jin || 24 || Waiter || Sociable, gentle, kind and easygoing || 6 

Travel back in time

Soo Min was born in an average Korean family. Her father is a history lecturer and he travels all around the world to do research about heritages. That's why she was born in Spain. They live quite long in Spain before coming back to Korea when she was 12 years old. That's due to her mother's health which had gone down. Her mother was diagnosed with cancer and starting from that, she was the one who took care of her siblings.
They come back to Korea, unfortunately her mother dies three months after they come back. The first year was hard for their family but as they already expected for everything to happens, they continued their life as usual. Soo Min started to sing since she's child and she won a lot of competition in her school as soon as she come bck to Korea. She was then found by an SM talent scout and was encouraged to go for a competition and she did. She then won the first place and signed the contract with SM before started being a trainee.

True Love;
Name: Cho Kyuhyun
Age: 25
Status; secretly dating

Personality: Kyuhyun may have impression of evilness and bluntness, but he is actually an innocent and pure guy. He's quite witty, but he is also a polite guy who is well-respected by his senior and junior. He is mischievous and bright, he loves to tease people and jokes around and quite talkative as well. He' can be hot-tempered at times and gives out awkwardness air around people he's not really familiar with. He's also determined and hates losing. He's willing to do anything just to make sure he'll win in the end.
How you met/will meet: They were in the same class for Mandarin in the company. Kyuhyunhas nowhere tosit and naturally sit down beside her. They then talked with each other and started being friends.
How you act around each other: Around Kyuhyun, Soo Min can be quite clumsy and dorky. She will accidentally spill of her coffee while chatting or stuttered once in a while. She can't hide the shy smile on her face everytime Kyuhyun talked to her. Kyuhyun on the other hand is quite calm around Soo Min. He loves to until she blushes and usually jokes around her to destroy the awkwardness air. Although they have started dating, they still have that silent's awkward times where both of them keep quiet without talking.

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Flower: Lily
Stagename: Mint
Fanclubname: Minty
Fanclubcolor: #66ff99 & #66ff33

Trainee years: 7 years and 6 months
How did you get into SM: 2006 SM Singing Competition.
Past Experience: Back-up singer for Taeyeon's song, OST To The Beautiful You, 'Closer'.
Supporting Actress in the Salamander Guru.
Appear in SHINee's Why So Serious MV

Singing twin: Luna f(x)
Dancing twin: Jihyun (4minute)
Rapping twin: Tiffany (SNSD)

Thank you for your application. Now you have the time and chance to give us a few final words.

Password: (Here!)
Comment: Hope you like my character. Sorry for being late. :)
Scene Suggestions: Variety shows and their own shows.
Song Suggestions: Group - Hot Summer, Pretty Girl, Flower Power.
Solo - Good Day.


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