four eight six ♡ watanabe, seora.


about you



► username:365fallingstars






► name: watanabe, seora (nicknames: waseo, mandoo. yoochun calls her 'yeochin', short for yeoja chingoo)

age: 22

date of birth: 06/06

place of birth: tokyo, japan

hometown: fukuoka, japan & jejudo, south korea

height & weight: 163cm, 50kg




►    face claim: wonder girls ahn sohee / gallery

style: casual / casual / casual / make up / spring / spring / winter / home / airport     





► personality: Seora is very fun to be around, always the life of the party. She's usually the one talking and yapping away in the crowd, sprouting all sorts of things from make up to politics. One would think that everything that comes out of is just junk but in fact, everything that comes out of will be either useful or interesting. She's always updated about everyone's social life and she is nothing but a social butterfly. She's always seen laughing and having the time of her life, always believing that everyday is a brand new day. She's a very positive person, always looking at the bright side of ife. She's very bubbly and chic, always seen laughing and joking around with others. She's well known for her sassy attitude and undeniable demure. She always makes sure she shows class and elegance, thus making her popular in the opposite gender.

This 22 year old gal is not your average girl. She could be very charming at times, and maybe this is the reason why she's got this line of boys trailing after her. She's wise, always quick to retort a comeback, and shows maturity at a very young age. One of her key traits is her humor however, always making people laugh and laughing at things that isn't even that funny. She's very easy to get along with, due to her bubbly nature and there's rarely a time when she has conflict with people around her. She's quick to adapt to changes and rather than hating it, she appreciates it and learns from it. She's a bright young lady, outspoken and opinionated. She's not afraid to voice her opinion in public, even if it means she's the only one who thinks this way.
Seora can be very persistent if she wanted to.

Although there is always a lot of people to advise her, she usually doesn't listen to anyone but the voice inside her head. She decides with her instincts and is almost always right about them. She's hard headed and sometimes, a bit hard to control. She has a nasty temper and she usually throws tantrums when angry/sad, acting like a little child. Although she knows her limit, she tends to forget that she shouldn't be acting so childish whenever she doesn't get what she wants. She tries not to but she knows very well that she sulks and throws hissy fits. She knows very well herself that she can be selfish at times and is aware of her impatient personality. However, even though she possesses all these traits, she never forgets that all things worth waiting for are worth the wait.

She does not usually look for a relationship despite love calls from guys who try to get together with her. She finds herself falling in and out of love constantly with different people and different things. She is able to find beauty in the simplest things and so this is why she has a hard time finding a stable relationship. She will look for fun, spontaneity, and mental stimulation. However, she often feels that complete love is something she will never find in life; therefore she treats love as nothing more than a sport, albeit one she excels in. Once in love though, she shows her man that she is a priced possession that needs to be taken care of her. A bit challenging and complex, she needs a partner with a lot of patience. She is short tempered, violent, exhausting, and more. However, she is the best friend, tennis partner, cheerleader, critic lover, and fighter all in one.

Initially towards Yoochun, she is very cold. She doesn't like his child like personality and temper and thinks he's rather big headed about his acclaimed idol state. Although she admits his "charming, sort of bad boy" was attractive, his ways on hitting other girls were something she disliked. When they began to date, Seora instantly became comofortable around him. Yoochun immidiately became her home and she was safe and sound; she had found solace. She warmed up quickly to the both of them being a couple as well. She didn't hide a thing from him and she wasn't afraid in showing Yoochun how she was like at home. Showing him her bare face, being lazy, and not minding a thing about her messy place and somehow she felt at ease. She found someone that could accept how she really is and she felt good about it. 






► likes:
` earl grey boba tea
` the smell of new books
` the feeling of being pampered
` spending time with her dogs
` watching movies
` learning something new about anything beauty related
` cuddle weather
` rainy and winter weather
` shoes!
` organizing her beauty items
` photography
` watching the rain fall
` watching the colors of the leaves change during winter 

` hot and humid weather
` that funny feeling in the pits of her stomach when she's feeling nervous or anxious
` having to wait in long lines
` not being able to do what she wants to do
` being stuck in the house with nothing to do
` feeling heartbroken and rejected
` feeling insecure and tiny compared to others

` going for midnight jogs
` walking her dogs at the park
` shopping
` watching movies and dramas
` designing clothes
` reading novels, magazines, and books   

` comparing herself to others
` always criticizing herself
` overanalyzing and overthinking
` not being able to sleep at night
` multitasking
` shopping as therapy; she does this whenever she's sad
` eating chips with a spoon. she cant stand getting crumbs on her fingers and nails
` dipping potato chip in ketchup
` crying by herself when teased too much (she gets agitated easily)
` being too sentimental 

` seora means 'sky' in japanese, same as her mother's name 'haneul' means sky in korean.
` she can speak korean and japanese fluently. shes also very good in speaking english since she always dreamt of going to america when she was young.
` seora is a nightowl. there are just those nights when she has trouble sleeping, thus always suffering from insomnia
` if there was something she'd take to her grave, it'd be her skincare products
` she is obsessive over her skin care routine. she's very skilled in all sorts of beauty related item too
` although born in the middle of summer, she detests the season. she dislikes being in any hot and humid place
` that being said, she was never able to stand being in a sauna, the place where yoochun and her first met
` seora actually detests yoochun's nickname 'micky'. she never called him that even though he's asked her to call her micky plenty of times





► background: born in the middle of the dry, dragging summer of 1991, lee haneul held her child in hyakunincho shinjuku hospital, beads of sweat trailing her temples but laughing in joy regarless. the small infant reached her arms towards the sky and cried and her husband, hiro watanabe, hugged both of them in relief.

it wasn't always easy being a multiracial couple. other than culture and customs, they were also criticized often for marrying a non-japanese/korean husband/wife. however, that 2AM morning marked a new beginning in their lives: a baby girl was born.

"she's reaching up for the heavens." haneul had told her husband.

there was a name hiro had wanted to give the child; however, upon meeting her eyes, he could not think of anything else but one thing. "seora." he told her with a big beam plastered to his face. there was no other feeling to beat the moment. everything was priceless. "we'll name her seora."

and the heavens was the place she always reached for.

seora had always known what she wanted when she was younger but unfortunately for her, there was too many things she wanted to become and not ebough time to become all of them. a fashion designer, a model, a flight attendant, a criminologist; seora wanted to be everything. to say she was an overachiever was an understatement. she wanted the stars, the moon, and more.

she grew up into a loving family that never questioned what she did or what she did them. maybe that would explain seora's greedy and snotty personality, a trademark of the usually quirky and bubbly girl. her mother is a full korean while her father is full japanese and the two met through an acquiantance. seora grew up as an only child in fukuoka, japan, but spent most of her summer and winter vacation in jejudo, south korea, where her maternal relatives are related.

she's had her fair shares in boyfriends, but nothing too serious. she's young and she knows that the time to settle down isn't right yet. however, when it comes to love, she can be a bit defiant. if you're not really serious about her then don't bother because this fiesty woman is not easy to get. she's hard to please, selfish, and insecure. one with wrong thoughts will not last a week with her. she's tough and truth be told, no one just can't seem to last with her. however, this does not mean that she doesn't posess alll the traits in a perfect girlfriend. affectionate, thoughtful, and supportive, she feels she should hold herself back until she meets the perfect guy; one that would understand that she needs to be pampered, complimented, and taken cared of. 




► partners name: park yoochun (dbsk/jyj)

age: park yoochun

personality: cocky, arrogant, stuck up, and a little too playful; if you were to ask seora. truth be told, she never expected to like him. he seemed like the type of person that didn't know how to take things seriously. the fact that they had a 5 year gap was something too. initially, seora found him too childish for his age. although he was already 23 and she was only a freshman college student, she found him too hot headed, tempermental, concieted, and childish. he played too much pranks whenever she met him (all through a funny twist of connection and fate of course) and he was always joking around. always teasing seora, telling her how good it'd be if he had such a young girlfriend who'd call him 'oppa' and calling her 'yeppeun-ah', she always felt annoyed and irritated to be hit on by such a big headed idol. 

although playful, she realized that he wasn't as bad as she thought and rather, cute. he had a good memory. he remembered dates rather than moments and he was very well with remembering small moments such as the first time he opened the door for her, the color of her lipstick, and the length of her hair when he first saw her. she liked winter, her favorite season, and he loved to eat as much as she did. she also soon found out that yoochun didn't mind so much of her picky persnality, especially when it came to picking men. "you have all the reasons to be picky," he told her once. "so go ahead and choose them best amongst all of your followers". yoochun is the type of person that doesn't need the feel to impress, either. although outspoken, he doesn't draw attention to himself and rather, stays quiet about his accomplishments. when he's going through a tough time, he won't ask for a hand but will endure it alone. 

he was always an aegyeo type of person. he would act cute towards seora in order to get what she wanted and somehow, seora always fell for them. he also had a way with words and this made seora flutter everytime he spoke so eloquently. maybe this was the reason why seora fell for him so hard. he always told her his dreams and during the time when they were dating, yoochun told her everything he wanted to change about the past about his careet and the things he'd like to do in the future. to sing and to act in front of a big crowd, to play a leading role in television, to gain as park yoochun, it all made seora think of all the endless things that could happen with yoochun beside her. at the end of the day, yoochun never failed to make her smile with her spontaenity, unpredictable personality. whenever they fought, he always had a way of making things up to her. whenever she was sad, he made her happy by listening to her, comforting her, and telling her things would be alright. the playful, incompetent, arrogant, and cold big headed idol turned out to be nothing but a warm and sentimental man that needed lesss time from the limelight and more time to himself.

` that faithful day) "you know i dont like places with humid athmosphere!" seora had told her best friend, jung eunji, that day in tokyo, japan. being her only cosuin from her mother's side and being her best friend since they were young girls, eunji should have known that she hated hot places the most and the sauna was not the right place to be, especially in such a special day as her birthday. however, eunji had claimed she had a good reason to bring her to this place. when she asked why, eunji claimed that she had the best birthday present for her: her favorite dbsk member. dbsk, who recently got their rise of fame in japan, was reported to be breaking up and disbanding and thus causing seora to suspect of her cousin lying. "impossible." she sneered at her. "yunho is my favorite member of the band and he's back in korea, loyal to sm ent." however, as soon as they entered their private room, she was shocked to see a dbsk member. but it wasnot her favoeite, oh no. it was none other than park yoochun. 

"yeppeun-ah." he said when they were first introduced. "so you're seora? you do look young." he threw up his arms above his head and sighed, "it'd be good if i had a girl like you who'd call me oppa" a cocky son of a chicken, that's what he was. what right did he have to call her pretty girl anyways? he wasn't in korea but in japan so he should have at least showed manners. turns out that he was the older brother of eunji's bestfriend, park yuhwan. after their fist meeting at the sauna, they met more often than she'd like and during those times, she looked at yoochun with distaste, preferring for those times without him rather than with him.

` dazed, drunk, and out of his mind) when the news broke out that dbsk was disbanding due to the unjust lawsuit, seora didn't ponder over it with the thought of a good band in mind but rather what yoochun could be feeling. she had her doubts on why yoochun would be in japan without his band mates. that night, she got a text message from eunji that yunhwa and yoochun were in a local tenthouse, and yoochun was drinking his minds away. of course she refused at eunji's invitation of checking on yoochun. she had no business after all. however, curiousity killed the cat and she ended up going. while eunji and yuhwan got the car, yoochun was blurting nonsense to seora and in return, she couldn't help but listen. before eunji and yuhwan could return, yoochun pulled seora away from the crowd and ran away from the scene, bringing her in a lake nearby. there, he confesses the hardships he's endured in being an idol and how he wanted to quit for a while. however, after witnessing yoochun drunk and out of his mind, she slowly started to change the way she viewed about him. she soon realized that he took out on jokes in order to relieve all his negative thoughts and feelings. he was nothing but a wounded bird that needed shelter. shortly after that, she began to lighten up whenever he was around her. 

` finally, my heart gave in) after the announcement of disbandment and after that night seora found out about yoochun's feelings towards his career, the two began to see each other more in a lighthearted way and not a cat-dog way. in fact, they even began to see each other without the company of eunji or yunhwa until finally, yoochun asked her to be his by presenting tealight candles that spelled out 'be mine'. instantly swept off her feet, she said yes. they had their fair share of fights. dating an idol that started the hallyu wagon was not an easy thing and dating someone who was forbidden to publicly declare it was harder. seora and yoochun both endured meeting privately and often in the same places. they talked of all sorts of things and did all sorts of things. they talked of sports, politics, gadgets. they also talked of growing old. instead of walking her dogs during morning, they did it at night in order to avoid fans from seeing them. they ate the same noodles at the noddle house seora's friend owned for almost 1 year and often times, watched movies wearing sunglasses and beanies. for 1 year and a half they enjoyed the company of one another until the day came when yoochun had to go back for JYJ's comeback.

` fights) seora was never a good sport and this was something yoochun often poked fun at. he often teased and tormented her with insults he knew would get in her head. although seora would not often show him, she often ended up running inside the bathroom to cry. but that just gave yoochun more excuse to follow her, wrap his arms around her and whisper, "ppongya~" (just kidding). although not easily pursued after a fight, seora usually gives in as soon as yoochun hugs her from behind. the girl is a bit weak for them, especially one from her boyfriend. in public, they aren't afraid to bicker either and would usually end up yelling at one another when they are not meeting in the middle. at the end of the day though, one of them usuaully ends up surrendering and apologizing. 

` jealous) since his shift to a different company, he's trained hard for his comeback with jaejoong and junsu. he met new gym trainers, dance instructors, and voice instructors too. since seora had to stay back in japan and him in korea, it sometimes got hard for the two of them to contact one another. seora, upon hearing from his brother stories about different women teaching him, would always ignite jealousy in her. although she knows he would never cheat, this often made her worry on him leaving her forr somoene else.

` skinship) seora never thought strangely of it and since he was older, she would expect more skinship than if she was with someone younger. however, there was nothing yoochun forced her to do that she didn't want. when they are going out, they would hold hands, hug, and show affectionate like a normal couple. yoochun likes to show his affection (public and private) by always pecking her unexpectedly in the lips, wrapping his arms around her waist, and putting his arms around her shoulder. 

why they broke up: after a year of hiatus from the scene, jyj was making a comeback and truth be told, seora didn't know how exactly she would feel. seora knew it would come one day anyways. a normal netizen dating an idol wasn't something out of the ordinary. maybe the day was just waiting for her to decide but she felt it was natural; she left. she shut her self away from yoochun and felt it unnecessary to watch him from afar. when she left though, yoochun never chased after, making her feel more right that she left. no one really knew what happened and neither did she; she thought of it as something natural. no one could have the best of both worlds right? she hasn't spoken to or about yoochun since the breakup; that is until the she got the invite to the show. 



► any comments?: oh gawd, is it okay that i applied for yoochun? yoochun is so old and he's been around for so long but ive been watchin missing you the past couple of days and ive been dying, not knowing why i prefered yunho and jaejoong over him. hes just owah, my feels i cant even- ugh. okay, enough of that. but yes, i also hope you dont mind that i made the font larger and the color darker. i couldn't see, my poor eyes! if it really bothers you though, ill change it back to the orignial way it looked.

+ im so sorry this app is so long. it took me a long time to do this and when i was finally hit with inspriation, i think i got too much of it and ended up with this. hopefully it's not a pain to read though.

oh and yes, double space and shift. if not, happens. it happened to me. l0l.

scene suggestions: 
` her reaction to the invite: she refused at first but eunji persuaded her and thought of the show as a 'closure' between the two of them
` when asked in an interview why she chose to go on the show, she jokingly said 'because i want to show yoochun oppa how i've blossomed to be a catch
` yoochun being surprised when he found out she was going to be with him at the show; he thought it'd be another girlfriend that he had before seora since seora lived in japan.
` while on the show, yoochun discovers that she still has the same habits such as using a spoon to eat chips and dipping potato chips in ketchup
` during the show, sorae finds out that he still wears the dog tag she gave him for their 100 days, which had their anniversary date in roman numerals.
` during the show, they are both unfamiliar and don't know how to start a conversation thereby coining the nickname from the viewers "awkward couple"

                                                                                          ► layout credit



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