Happy Birthday L.Joe~!

Happy birthday Byunghun! :D

Dang, you're legal now! I can't believe it! xD You grow older already. Muahaha~

Happy birthday, happy birthday, you number one bias list ruiner! I'm soo not kidding about this!

Do you know you totally ruined my bias list, not only in Teen Top, but also my WHOLE K-pop bias list! Oh my gosh. I feel like I'm cheating on Yunho! D: 


I still remember your 'Baksu Baksu' during your debut days. I mean, aww! You're so cute back then (Hot, with that violin. Haha.)! 'Your luv + My luv = Supa luv.' Dang, boy. You're killing me with your iness and pink hair. Do you know I used to called you PINKIE during 'Supa Luv' promotions. LMAO<3 You look so freaking cute in pink hair! >w< Haha. Who am I kidding? You look cute in all hairstyles you ever had. :3

Do you know what I love the most about you?

Your raps, your hair, your shortness, your eye smile, your laugh, your bully side, your voice, your piano skills, your selcas and the song you and Minsoo compose. Summarize everything; I love everything about you.

Happy birthday Lee Byunghun. 사랑해요~

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His angry bird face<3

Happy~~~~ Birthday~!!!! :3


(Sorry if I kinda overdone it. I'm too excited right now.xD)


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