Sasaeng Fans

I wasn't going to comment on it at first but I mean, I have to, the situation warrants it.


I love my oppas. I do. I go back through their tweets for pictures to gurgle about. Posters on my wall. I even went as far as to have pictures of them on the front of my binders for school this year, to keep me from slamming my head against the desk during APUSH. But these sasaeng fans (referred to as S-Fans for the purposes of angry fast typing) . These crazy es, officially need to tighten the up. You CANNOT under any circumstances crash someone's wedding because of your false hopes and all around foolishness. I don't get that . I don't like that . 

There have been NUMEROUS occasions where these s-fans have personally pissed me the off... Let's see... Honestly click some of these links. 

Number 1

Number 2 (This ) [credit to omonatheydidn't]

Number 3 (If you haven't heard about these hoes and Baekhyun) [omonatheydidn't]

Number 4

-Yoochun getting slaped in the face because the fan "wanted to be remembered" obviously not caring whether or not the memory was positive or not 

Number 5

-The idol taxis make me sick to my stomach

I don't get it. What kind of love are they trying to show, from what I'm seeing I think that they get off on the idol's angry reactions. I feel like when they see it, they go home and are like "AWMAHGAWD Oppa said that we're being annoying like tards." 

Now I'm going to get soft and say that I hurt for my oppas. They're doing what they love the most and trying their best to enjoy it but they can't because these obsessed individuals feel the idiosyncratic need to invade their personal life and space. I'm not at all sorry when I say that mentally and physically abusing your "favorite" idol IS NOT acceptable under anycircumstances, it's not fair to them and hell, it's not fair to us. It makes us look, as overseas fans, it makes us look bad. When outsiders group fans together, they group the good and the bad together and usually by some unfair twist in fate the bad overshadows the good. 

I'm sorry this isn't as well developed as I would've hoped but by this point I'm no longer angry, just sad and kind of down and out. I really hope that they don't leave the industry to avoid these twisted hoes but hey, if that's what they need to do keep their lives intact, they should definitely do it.


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