I Want to Write Again T.T


it has been a month I abandoned my fics. T.T

Honestly, i really really want to write again, but i rarely have time and even energy to do that. T.T

I woke up at 6, meet bed again at 11 because of my new job.

I even have only little time to read my fellow's fics, well, it's not because i extremely busy or what, but I'm too tired. OTL

And then i visit here again, click the ricsyung's tag, and OMG SOOOO MANY Ricsyung's fics recently. OwO *amazed*

Reading one or two fics make me want to write again, *please writing power come to mee!!*

I already write the ideas on my mail and book, maybe i will start to steal some time to finish it, even for one chapter only.


I don't know what did i write here, please excuse my nagging. TvT



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Aku sudah menelantarkan ep ep ku hampir dua bulan kakaknya....hahahaha. Sekarang minat bikin bahkan baca aja lenyap kaya butiran debu... Ato karna udah *sok* sibuk ya? Kkkk

intinya, kalo pengen nulis ya nulis aja... *ikut2an Nu* digampar* xD
cari waktu sesenggang mungkin...kaya sabtu ato minggu,sejam ato dua jam la tiap akhir pekan hhe. Cemangat kerja kakak...selamat menempuh hidup baruuu »`°`« *itu kepiting ceritanya kkkk
I don't even dare to click the ricsyung tag because I missed sooo many stories, OTL

Just write if you want to, hahahhaha.. *ga membantu*