「Of Lip-gloss, Headlines and Scandals」— Hwan Min Ji


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           _kawahiro_ ╎ Welcome ╎ Shayla ╎ 3.5        


Hwan Min Ji -- Leader, Main Vocal


oh, the white rabbit of time 

full name : Hwan Min Ji

stage name : MinJi

nickname(s) : Minnie by family and friends, there is no real reson behind it apart from it being a term of adorement. 

personas:  Silent Flare - Although often quiet, you stand out due to your attitude.

age : 21

birthday : 01/10/1992

height & weight : 173cm - 54kg

blood type : AB Negative

ethnicity : Japanese - Korean

hometown : Busan, South Korea

birthplace : Busan, South Korea

language(s) : Korean - Fluent | Japanese - Fluent |  English - Conversational


ulzzang : Song Ah Ri

pictures : [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

backup ulzzang : Choi Jung Mi



the poison or the cake 

personality : Min Ji is a relatively quiet person, typically keeping to herself unless around people she is fond of and is comfortable with. However, even while being somewhat quiet, once you light her spark, she brightens up the whole room with her laughter and enthusiasm. She is a calm person, having to keep her head when things get rough. She is organized, she hates losing things, especially music so she keeps her belongings in order and may get annoyed if someone messes up her stuff. She is a perfectionist which is both good and bad. Being a perfectionist drives her to do her very best, but it also makes her work much to hard. She is a woman that refuses to share her burdens with anyone, apart from a few very special people. She is sarcastic and easily irritated by people that have an attitude that gets out of hand, however she will not get outwardly mad. She will be somewhat snappy towards people though as a way to relieve stress. Min Ji is soft spoken unless upset, and she is relatively protective of people she is close to. She is very caring and makes sure people are in good health if she can help it. She is horribly clumsy and is always tripping over her own two feet, though she won't admit it and tries to hide it. Over all, Min Ji is a quiet perfectionist that gains a voice when someone lights her fuse (This can be either negatively of positively.). She is caring and clumsy, but short tempered and sarcastic. 

likes :

  • Mameshiba (Bean Dogs.)
  • Baking
  • Caramel Macchiatos (Along with nearly any other coffee beverage.)
  • Salmon, Anime (Shows such as Shingeki no Kyojin and Kateyo Hitman Reborn)
  • Emotional/sentimental lyrics

dislikes :

  • Thunder
  • beef flavoured noodles
  • big dogs
  • obnoxious people and noises
  • horror films
  • getting injured
  • Americano

habits :

  • Gnaws on cheeks when aggitated
  • fidgets a lot when nervous
  • lips lots absent-mindedly

hobbies :

  • Writing and composing music
  • watching cartoon animated movies
  • reading (typically romance novels)
  • Baking and cooking

trivia :

  • Can play the piano and violin
  • Has broke her left wrist twice
  • Has a younger brother named Shou.
  • Originally was going to become a chef
  • Allergic to peppers
  • Poor alcohol tolerance
  • Played baseball in highschool
  • Attended cooking classes for three years
  • Can't rap to save her life
  • Has a cat named Huchu
  • Eats lots of cucumber.
  • Featured in BtoB's Wow, B1A4's Baby I'm Sorry and Infinite's Paradise

position: Leader and Main Vocal

style : Min Ji prides herself on her cute and feminine style. She adores wearing anything that is a knit. Knits are something you will be sure to see her in commonly. She will wear whatever is comfortable and still makes her look good. She typically stays within the softer colors because they suit her skin tone.



down the hole thy fall 
how did you get chosen? : Ever since Min Ji was young she had been fighting with herself about which life path she wanted to take, would she try for a singing career or would she attempt to become a famous chef whose name was know world wide? She was 18 when she decided that she would at the very least try to get into the position where she could persue both careers of her dreams. She enrolled in cooking classes and auditioned for JYP ent. It was a month until she heard back from the company, they told her that they would like her to train under their name. Without hesitation she accepted.
trainee life : Life every trainee, Min Ji had it rough. The work was very hard, considering Min Ji had never been much of a dancer due to her natural clumsiness and horrible coodination and she wasn't used to stressing her voice so much. The sleepless nights and the draining days had her worn out nearly all of the time, but she pulled through. Durring this time she was still taking her cooking courses so she had a lot on her plate but she refured to drop either of them and showed everyone what she was made of. Don't be mistaken however, she wasn't always tough and able to handle it. There were days where the stress was so sufficating all she could do was cry on the phone to her childhood friend about her trouble.
trainee years: Three
family :  
  • Hwan Myung Seok | Father | 46 | Properaty manager | Stubborn, kind, humorous, strong-willed | Very good.
  • Souma Shizuka | Mother | 44 | Division manager at a bank firm | Hard headed, caring, smart, quiet | Good
  • Hwan Shou | Brother | 17 | Student | Cocky, Immature, silly, loud | Extremely good.
talents : 
  • Cooking
  • Acting
  • Writing and composing music
friends? :
  • Lim HyunSik- BtoB
  • Nam WooHyun - Infinite
  • Yoo Ha Jin - Childhood friend
rivals? : N/a
anything i missed? : n/a



oh, madness, everyones mad here 

love interest : Lim Hyun Sik - BtoB

backup : Lee Min Hyuk - BtoB, Seo Eun Kwang - BtoB

age : 21

personality : Relaxed, always positive, sweet, funny, "ghost god" (Good at hiding), Likes to play games.

how did you guys meet? :  Met on the set of "WOW".

how did he fall in love with you? : After filming the MV of WOW, Hyun Sik and Min Ji traded numbers. He would frequently give her tips on how to increase her stamina and how to better her chances of being picked to be put in a group. They would go out for coffee here and there if they could and feelings just began to blossom.

love rivals? : n/a

anything i missed? : n/a



its tea time, always tea time
scenes request : A cute cafe scene for love interest.
suggestions : Lonely - 2NE1 and Good By To Romance - Sunny Hill
password : Dancing Machien
the curtain has fallen 

may i change bits of your application if needed? : Sure

anything i missed? : Nope

extras : Nothing  I can think of.

comments : I am really looking forward to seeing what happens. :)

would you like to be a cameo in this story if you're not chosen? :  Sure! :)


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