
Lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride.  Familiar are they? These are the seven rebellious tendencies that afflict fallen humanity, so classified by traditional orthodox Christianity or popularly known as “The Seven Deadly Sins”.

Why talk taboo about this sensitive issue if you may ask. Well, honestly even I do not know why I have come up with this topic. Maybe I just want this tiny voice inside my head to be heard. Its funny how ideas rush like lightning bolt inside me right now, it’s overwhelming. Enough with this stupid introduction and let us proceed.

There is this saying that goes, “Masarap ang bawal.”  Why is that? How come we engaged into deeds that we fully recognize are wrong? Is it because humans are adventurous in nature? Or is it the thrill that keep us coming back and keeping us wanting more? Let me tell you what I think. We do things we do for a certain reason. We are always fed up with derives and motives. We may not know what brought us to our action but one thing is certain. We choose the path we take, and with that we always choose the path to happiness. Who does not what to be happy? Who does not what to be satisfied? We only live once they say, might as well enjoy, taste the sweet life and mind later the bitter aftertaste. Yes, everything comes with a price. The world ain’t perfect as it seem. Pros and cons should be anticipated and sacrifices should be done along the way for dilemma is a . You can’t have the best of both worlds. To try to enjoy life a bit more is not a problem it becomes one if we take too much of what we deserve.

Pointing fingers will take me nowhere, so let me confess. I myself am guilty, but seriously, who does not have guilty pleasures? We sure have a thing or two, right?  It just so happen I do things I should not have done in extremes and to tell you, I ain’t even proud of that.  Life indeed is a matter of choice, whatever the result is, it’s always your fault. 


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