✧✦✧ ↷ Haedo Apartment ↺ Jang Miyoung


         Jang Miyoung     

Miyoungpark Mel ▲ 8


what's your name 

name Jang, Miyoung
other name Melissa - English name
nickname Mel- Family and close friends- It's her shortened english name
age 19
d.o.b 08/12
birthplace Busan, South Korea
hometown Melbourne, Australia
ethnicity Korean
languages Korean (native), English (fluent), mandarin (conversational)

height & weight in 159 cm & 49 kg
blood type A




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face claim Baek jae ah
pictures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
back-up Kim seul mi 

pictures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
appearance dark brown hair, hazel eyes, creamy white skin, she has a huge smile which covers most of her face with pearly white teeth
style Generally tom boy, she loves a good t-shirt and jeens and doesn't try too hard with clothes. A bit gothic/ emo with combat boots or band tees. She loves ripped jeens or over sized sweaters that make her feel cozy and warm like back in australia. ex: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
others Her ears are pierced twice in the lobe, helix pierced once and a small tattoo of wings attatched onto a heart on her lower back


fine girl 

Miyoung is extremely bubbly around everyone she meets, instantly being over dramatic about everything she does and trying to gain attention. She gets distracted easily, has a short temper and like her brother Dongwoo a 4D personality with a smile that can light up the darkest day. Around her family she is respective and tries to stay calm for her families sake but this usually ends in her bouncing off the walls. Around her friends she is fun and tries to set the mood and be funny. If someone doesn't laugh or scolds her for her crude jokes she becomes easily offended but eventially laughs it off. Miyoung is horrible at keeping secrets and can't keep shut or stay still for more than 5 minutes and she fidgets 24/7. If she wants something she'll use aegyo to get it and she leaves an amazingly adorable first impression. 

towards other people in the apartment she is kind and talks to them happily, She will often eat with one of them rather than with her old friends who have often turned their backs on her as she can easily annoy them at this hurts her. To her seniors she is respectful and asks for advice often. She is often seen with her brother's group infinite as they all get along very well and have quite cheeky personalities. Miyoung is blunt and honest. If she doesn't get something she wants she will either use aegyo or black mail to get it. She hates to be ignored because that is what happened a lot in her teenage years. So she tends to show off to get attention and is labeled an attention seeker. 

She is sensitive on the inside and criticism gets to her easily. She tends to spend a whole week holding in all her doughts and tears but eventually breaks and can no longer hold in the tears. Her personality can be very bipolar at times. Often her short temper gets the best of her. In early high school she lashed out at one of her 'friends' yelling abuse and cussing at her until she broke down and self harmed minorly. She also had suicidal thoughts between the ages of 13 and 15. But she has now recovered from her depressive stage in her life. 


background Before Miyoung moved into the apartment she lived in a rather large house with her happily married parents, two other sisters and older brother Jang Dongwoo of Kpop idol group Infinite. spent most of her time goofing off in class, getting in trouble and making a fool out of herself. Not like anyone minded a little laugh on a boring day. At the age of 12 she was offered an exchange program to Australia and Miyoung's parents happily agreed to let their eager daughter go on the trip. The program lasted throigh the years of high school. 

When Miyoung was 15 she got a part-time job at a local korean take away resturaunt in which she fell head over heels for her work mate a korean boy named Mingyu who aspired to be a model. The two became very close over the next few years. Though not only a year later Mingyu moved back to korea where his hopeful modeling career would begin. thus breaking Miyoung's young heart as he was her first love. 

Miyoung then preceeded to continue working at the resturaunt, ace all of her grades as well as become fluent in english. When she was 18 she returned home after completing her VCE with fantastic grades. When she turned 19 she decided to move out of her parents house and into a new apartment building on the borders of the city that was very appealing . Only to find when she has arrived that Mingyu and Miyoung may be seeing a lot more of each other than they had hoped for. 


. Dancing

. rapping 

. jokes 

. books 

. variety shows

. cooking



. losing

. heights

. thunder storms

. bugs 

. being ignored

. being scolded

. Jennie Kim

. shopping



. sleeping

. Eating

. Dancing 

. rapping

. cooking



. Talking in her sleep

. snoring

. eating nutella from the tub

. sneezing/ yawning really loud



. She was featured in Sunmi's 24 hours music video
. She has Central Heterochromia, from brown to green creating hazel
. She is allergic to grass, dust and lillies
. She is extremely clumsy and has previously broken her wrist, a rib, several bones in her shin and forearm, fingers and dislocated her elbow twice
. Her favourite colour is Green
. She's a really horrible singer
. She took dancing lessons for 10 years in Jazz, contemport, Ballet, hip hop, tap and pointe
. She has won first place in severak dancing comps
. Her smile cures sick puppies
. She loves pulling derp faces and creepy faces to scare her friends and family
. Her brother is her best friend


count on me 

family member 
   father -- Jang Yeob soo | 47 | Relestate agent | professional, expectant, rude, snobby, rich, harsh and mean | Miyoung and her father have never seen eye to eye as their personalities clash horribly. When all Miyoung wants is to have fun her father forces her to study. She could do basic mathsmatics before she could talk. When Miyoung completes the exchange program and then moves out her father finally sees how much of a strong independant woman she's grown to be and respects her for this + 4/10
   mother -- Jang Min jung | 46 | hairdresser | Kind, friendly, down to earth, wise, thoughtful, simpathetic, strong, build her walls up high | Miyoung's relationship with her mother is far greater then the one she has with her father. Her mother has always understood the way her mind works and what she wants to do with her life. When her father only cared about her carying out the family buisness and becoming a prodigy at her school work, going to college and having children quickly. Miyoung's mother is the person she loves the most in her life and she always stand up for her and protects her + 10/10
   brother -- Jang Dong woo | 22 | singer | Bubbly, 4D, fun, funny, childish, playful, erted, hilarious, clown, mood-maker | Miyoung and Dongwoo are more like best friends then siblings the two are like two peas in a pod never seen too far from the other for too long. Miyoung has always looked up to her brother admiring his character and freedom, the way that he really didn't seem to care what anyone said or thought about him. Dongwoo was who he is and that's just how Miyoung wanted to be. Dongwoo took her under his wing and was more of a father figure to her than their own father was as he was never around anyway. Dongwoo loved his sister from the bottom of his heart and he would drop everything for her in a heatbeat + 10/10

   Sister -- Jang Minsoo | 24 | psychologist | Serious, professional, smart, wise, caring, protective, friendly, calm, collected | Miyoung's elder sister was the least close to her out of all her siblings because of the and the fact her sister was much more into school work and achieving her dreams than Miyoung was. Yet the two were still mildly close always sticking up for the other and helping the other. They visit each other regurally when Misoo isn't working and Miyoung isn't looking for a job + 7/10                                     
Sister -- Jang Hanna | 23| co-ordinator (exo) | ditsy, clumsy, bubbly, aegyo princess, friendly, social, kind, popular, foolish, gullible, easily lead | Hanna's ditsy and clumsy personality often leads her into bad situations in which Dongwoo and Miyoung have to help get her out of often costing the two time and money. But Hanna is still their sister and they love her very much and protect her as best as they can, Hanna was rarely around as a teen as she was usually off at some party or seeing the latest movie with a hot new actor to come out at the cinemas + 9/10
   Choi Tae hwa | 20 | translator | quiet, timid, shy, selfish, funny, cute, girly, short temper, scheming, cheeky | Miyoung's best friend since they were 6 they both attended the exchange together and have been best friend their entire lives. The two are inseperable and Tae hwa is heavily infatuated by Dongwoo's hyung Sunggyu who she has had a huge crush on since Miyoung first introduced them. Tae Hwa often mistakedly injured Miyoung but being autistic was unable to apologize or simpthisize like she would have liked to. But despite this the two got on so well everyone questioned if they were related or not + 10/10
   Katie McVean | 19 | councellor | kind, funny, smart, friendly, bubbly, loud, vibrant, playful, helpful, caring, loving, happy | Miyoung's other best friend who levels her between her cheeky scheming best friend and her loving friend who helps her through all her troubles. The two met in year seven in Australia and Katie taught both Tae hwa and herself english until the two were fluent. Since day one Katie has aspired to be a psychologist or councellor with her love for helping people in need emotionally and psysically. Katie helped Miyoung through all of her problems at home and at school and stood up for her when she was bullied + 9/10


because it's you


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name lKim Mingyu
personality Mingyu is childish and loves to have fun. He is bubbly and friendly and impresses people with his handsome looks which is why he is currently working as a model. Mingyu falls in love easily which is one of his weaknesses and he hates himself for that but the moment he meets Miyoung he knows she's the one. 
how they met Miyoung and mingyu met when she was on her exchange in Australia, he was at the time living their with extended family for the year before he was returning to korea to begin a carreer in modeling. He has to rethink his choices when he meets the beautiful Miyoung. The two both begin working together closely at a local Korean cuisine resturaunt. They both fall head over heals for each other but Mingyu has to leave for his future but he promises to see her again and decides to tell her his feelings next time they meet. They abruptly meet again when Miyoung moves into the room across the floor from him in the apartment complex he lives in. 
why does she likes him She loves his childish personality, his gorgeous appearance. She honestly fell in love at first sight with the young korean boy as their personalities matched almost identically. She is definately in love with Kim Mingyu. 
interaction When the two first see each other they are alway awkward but within a few minutes the two are talking and flirting like they've known each other their whole life. They act cute and funny just like they would with anyone except more flirty. 
back-up Yao MingMing


love hate


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name Jennie Kim
occupation idol
personality Jennie Kim is rude, sarcastic and a stuck up . She has pushed people around since she started school and seems to believe she is more superior than everyone. She is snobby, y and bratty and will whine if she doesn't get what she wants which is rarely. 
how they met l Jennie and Miyoung met when Jennie transfered to her school for a short time before debuting. 
reason Being the snobby, y princess she is when one student at the school and very close friend of Miyoung's appeared to be weak and different from the other students Jennie bullyed her into giving up her worthless life which Kim Rae Jin eventually did comiting suicide a week before Jennie left the school. This leading Miyoung to hold a grudge and a horrible hate for the girl. Who lives right down the hall from Mingyu and herself. 
interaction a Miyoung avoids Jennie in all ways possible in fear she will lose the plot and attack her but in their small interactions the two have been shown to be vicious throwing cusses and hitting each other. Miyoung hates Jennie and wants nothing more then to have her dissapear. 
back-up Eunjung


la la la 

occupation Dancer
storey 6
room type  2 bedroom
who does she lives with Katie who followed her back to Korea and the two are roommates and get along fantastically


shake the world 

comments/questions it's 2:15am here i worked on this all night I hope it's good!!! Man too much coffee x_x *le dead
scene request do what your heart tells you to do okay author-nim don't do just what nasty commenters tell you to!
suggestions same as above. 
password my god you cutie!!!


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