
No, matter how old we are, we always seem to discover something about life that drags us down; no matter how stupid it is. I can't believe that even the smallest things can bruise my whole body up and make me feel like crying. That no matter how hard I try to push the tears back, they somehow come streaming down my face. 

But I realize that it isn't just an immature act. The tears come in hopes of cleansing my own emotions of stress, sadness, and all the pain that circulates it. So, I'm not being stupid or childish at all. My body, my mind, my soul, and my heart, this is how it reacts when I feel angry, frustrated, helpless, and depressed. 

I know there are days when we all feel like just dying and we all become negative. And I'm exactly that right now. Because how do we react when there's someone that dislikes us just for who you are and for what you do. 

But I also realize, that they don't matter. People who hate are people who have yet to grow up. And one should matter, not because of what they do, but because of who they are. And, it's more worthwhile doing your own best for the people who care rather than for those who don't matter. 

I'll keep you in my sight, always, my friends. I have yet to feel better and crawl out of this damn hole that keeps pulling me down. But I know I can do it, because if I don't do it for myself, who will? 


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Yes.. I agree.. Nobody can stop you..!!
Yes that is true, only you and nobody can. But if you need a little push or a nudge,people that care for you will be willing to do that ,[and you have to count me to do just that } It is alright to cry,to feel worst, to hurt and have all those emotions,that is what makes us human,and yes makes us a better person than before..