
"I think you and I are more like sisters, not cousins. Hahahaha"

My Ate in Singapore just sent a reply to my email about my boyfriend. She replied a long statement that me open up about what I've been going through. Until this point, only my Unnie had known about everything.

In my reply back to her I realized something that's making me feel so sick and upset.

Ate, I feel so pressured to keep liking him. It's like I'm being forced into a business deal that I can't find my way out of.

I feel so helpless right now that I've even resulted to crying my eyes out. To put it simply, if you saw me now, it'd take you back to an episode of You're Beautiful when Go Minam found out that her mother was dead. It's those kind of tears. Tears of complete sadness and confusion.

I don't know what to do.


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