Super Girl Application~

*~Application Form~*

AFF Username: danaq22
AFF Profile Link:
Email: [email protected]

*~Character Info~*

Character Name: Olivia Ye, (Chinese name is Ye Qian Ming 叶浅明 )
Nickname(s): Ollipop, (She loves lollipops~)
Age:  19
D.O.B:  February 14th, 1992
Ethnicity: Full Chinese (I decided not to be half XD)
Birthplace: Shanghai, China
Hometown: Highstown, NJ
Languages: Chinese, English, BASIC BASIC French (studied it during High School)
Blood Type: O
Height:  5' 6"
Weight: 105

Elva Hsiao




Training: (the Darker one) (with converse/high tops instead of the boots XD)

Personality: Olivia is outgoing, hyper, loud, annoying at times, impatient. She is adventurous, and loves trying new things, but she often loses interest in them after a while. She  is also impatient, and will start to get annoyed when she has to wait a long time, unless you have something she thinks is fun to do.  She is really optimisitc, and will try to cheery you up if she thinks your sad. Also, she is a victim of the Onew Condition.  She holds grudges for forever, and usually will make you repay. She also straightforward, and hates it when people don't get to the point. She is sometimes annoying and childish, and will act like a baby, even though she is older than most of her group members. She is responsible and mature when she needs and wants to be though.



-Cute Hair accessories/jewlery

-Stuffed Toys/Animals

-Perwinkle and Lavender (both color and flower)



-Not being straightforward

-ty girls/clothes




-Too much makeup

-Playing Cello


-Watching Anime/reading Manga

-Watching TV




-Starts stuttering when she's lying

-When she's annoyed, she'll start cursing that person/thing in Chinese

-Whistling when she's in a good mood

-Drinking water before sleeping

-She can whistle an entire song

-She can swim very fast, but runs really slow

-She is a horrible artist

-She likes to collect Hello Kitty related things

-She is really really scared of spiders after she had a dream that she was eaten by the giant spider in Harry Potter





-Imitating people's voices
School Major: Singing


Past: Olivia was born in Shanghai, and lived there for about 4 years. Then she moved to NJ when she was 4 years old. She was forced to move to New Jersey, when her father had to move there, and he took his entire family. She lived a pretty normal life. Her family was kind of rich, but she is not snobby or anything like that.
Family: (Use this format – [Relation] Name | Age | Ethnicity | Occupation | Relationship – Relationship does not need to be long, just a few sentences)

[Mother] Dana Zhang l 51 l Chinese l Teacher of foreign languages l Olivia and her mother are very close, they are best friends, and they tell each other everything. She was American born Chinese and lived in San Diego, but met her father and traveled the world with him. She can also speak fluent Chinese with no accent and is the one who taught Olivia. She is really laid-back and down to earth. She supportes all of  Olivia's decisions.

[Father] Joshua Ye l 51 l Chinese l Engineer l Olivia and her dad are not super close, because he travels on business trip ALL THE TIME. He spends half of his years in Singapore, and the rest of the year in NJ, but traveling to other countries as well. He is also an American born Chinese, but cannot speak fluent Chinese, like Olivia's mom. He did not agree to let Olivia be in the group, but later Olivia's mom convinced him, and now he fully supports her. He loves Olivia and her sister very much, and is also a laid-back, chill, kind of dad. XD

[Sister] Lydia Ye l 22 l Chinese l Student l Lydia and Olivia have a super super close relationship. Lydia was the first one to get into K-pop, and she told Olivia about it. She and Olivia are very much alike, but she is more responsible and careful than Olivia. She is studying to become a pediatrician, since she likes little kids, even if they are annoying, which is the opposite of Olivia. So despite their many contradictions, they are still very close.

How did you discover Super Junior?: Olivia discovered Super Junior when her older sister, Lydia,was into K-pop and started telling Olivia about them. She first found them kind of weird, but then got over it, and fell in love with them XD
Relationship: She has never dated anyone, and still hasnt had her first kiss yet XD

*~Super Girls~*

Counterpart: Kyuhyun, Ryeowook
Why are you their counterpart?: For Kyuhyun she has singing abilities AND  a similar personality, and for Ryeowook because of her singing abilities.
Who is your favorite in Super Junior?: Kyuhyun
How do your parents feel about you being in Super Girls?: Her mother has always been supportive, but her dad was at first not behind the idea, but now fully supports her.


Stage Name: Olivia
Persona: The Hyper-active Vocal

Minho - SHINee

Luna - F(x) -BFF

Krystal - F(x)

Min - Miss A - BFF

Seohyun - SNSD

Henry - SJM
Love Interest: Onew of SHINee, Miho of SHINee, Taceyon of 2PM
Rival: Jessica of SNSD
Why?: Her Ice Princess-ness just annoys Olivia, plus she seems to like Onew a bit.
Singing Links:

Dancing Links:
Anything else?: Hi :)


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