FULL NAME : Kwon Bobae
B.O.D / AGE : 06/06/91 / 22
NICKNAMES : Bobae, Bae
BIRTHPLACE : Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN : Seoul, South Korea
LANGUAGES : Korean (Fluent), English (Fluent), Japanese (Basics)
CHOSEN PLOTLINE : The Typical City Girl 


(♕) This city girl is something out of the extraordinary. You can usually pick out Bobae from the crowd - she's the one with the loudest laugh, the prettiest smile, and the most confident strut of them all. Ruled by the elegance and grace, the center of the universe, this feline girl adores attention and usually gets it. She is passionate, playful, and very lively. Occasionally hot-tempered, Seora isn't afraid to fight back when she feels the need to defend herself. She is often misunderstood by her (somewhat) picky personality. Seora isn't used to not getting what she wants either. When she wants it, she gets it and she won't be taking any no for an answer.

Bobae is very adaptable in everywhere and anywhere you put her. She adjusts quickly to changes and rather, learns and appreciates it. Her strong personality is very evident from the first day you meet her and does not let others belittle her. She's a very opinionated person. She says what she wants people to know but she knows when to keep shut. She's a social bumblebee and finds it easy to get along with others. There is nothing she loves more than laughing and making others laugh as well. Oh wait there is, those social gatherings shes always invited too, whether it's a birthday party or a grad party or just a part in general! She is strong willed, independent, outspoken, and bright. She is a natural born leader and it shows in her actions, the way she talks, and the way she holds herself.

She complains often, and is very impatient. She's not the type of person to wait for a very long time. She's not the type to take orders either because she'd rather give them. She has a competitive heart and doesn't back down from a challenge. Although a bit on the narcissistic side, Seora is a well-rounded person. One minute demure and doting and the next wild and unpredictable, though this doesn’t make her any less fascinating. 

BACKGROUND : Bobae has always loved the city, even when she as young. As a child, she would often stream through the busy streets of Seoul, mainly because her mother always brought her along work. Watching her mother devote herself to the city thought her how to love Seoul and since then, she wished nothing for herself but to stay in the city her whole life. Growing up in a well educated and financially stable family had its perks and one of them was Bobae growing up spoiled to rotten.

She usually recieved everything she wished for and there was not a time she was refused by her parents. Her parents were never strict on her either. At a very young age, Bobae learned how to party and drink although she was never reckless nor careless, rather the life of every party and room. Since young, she's always been very social and bright. She loves hanging out with her friends and going with her mom to social events such as a premiere launching of the newest make up brands, or just a family gathering wherein she knows she could be praised and adored. 

The summer of 2014 was the first summer with her best friend and only cousin from her dad's side away from home. Due to her veterinary scholarship training whatsit, she was sent to a small country side to take care or lambs and horses and all that not good stuff. Bobae was dying. So when her best friend announced that she was going to have a week off, she was ecstastic. She decided travelling to the countryside and staying with her cousin for one week would be divine; however, due to the unusual circumstance, Bobae is stranded in the small town and worse, forced to work alongside her cousin in order to get through a town in which credit cards weren't accepted. 


(☷) clothes! forever 21, h&m, stylenanda are all her home brands
` (☷) chai tea latte. yummy scrumboes, its her favorite drink.
` (☷) milk tea. its her second favorite drink in the world
` (☷) dogs! shes a big animal lover
` (☷) cold cuddle weather
` (☷) the colors mint and coral
` (☷) chic lit
` (☷) rainy nights 
` (☷) family gatherings, social events, and parties
` (☷) being in the company of those close to her


` (☷) hot humid weather
` (☷) no make up face
` (☷) that sticky feeling you get when you're sweating like a pig
` (☷) not having any means of disinfectant around (especially at restrooms!)
` (☷) taking out garbage 
` (☷) credit card limits
` (☷) quiet people; she'd rather be with someone noisy and lively


` (☷) bobae's been always creative, following her mom's footsteps
` (☷) when she doesnt get what she wants, she usually throws hissy fits
` (☷) her ideal man is someone like actor ji hyunwoo 
` (☷) whenever shes sad or down, she spends her time shopping 
` (☷) she dislikes social climbers who tries really hard to be chic and social
` (☷) shes obsessed with her beauty regime! she wont survive without her toner
` (☷) gurantee that she'll have alcohol in her purse 
` (☷) her beauty bag is something that never gets left at home
` (☷) when she was younger, living in a province has never been an option.

ULZZANG : Park Sora
IMAGES : () () () () () () () () () ()
BACK UP ULZZANG : Park Hyemin 
IMAGES : () () () () () () () () () (

APPEARANCE : Bobae stands 169cm and weighs around 48kg. She has long tousled ash brown hair and milky white skin that she takes precious care of. It's one of her happiness to see her skin glowing ever so... whitely. She doesn't believe in tattoos or piercings, and rather things they're dirty on the skin. She dresses her self up in the latests clothes and trends and never leaves the house without the hint of her favorite CC cream and watercolor blush on. 

LOVE INTEREST : Nichkhun Horvejkul (2PM) 

PERSONALITY: Nichkhun is very much the ideal guy Bobae has in her mind (although this she will never admit to herself because of that fact that, well, he's a farm boy). He's charming, can keep up with her witty remarks, and has a very dry humor that seems to make everybody laugh. He also has a cute eye smile that she always found attractive in guys. He's fairly good looking for someone from the countryside and has a gorgeous beam. Moody, sensitive, a guy of many faces. 

Conversation fuels him and it feeds the core of his being. He loves to learn hands on, and he also loves to share what he has learned with others. However, because his mind works so quickly, he is an absolute charmer when put to the conversational test (especially to females) and this irks Bobae to her nerves. She finds him a hypocrite, claiming that he doesn't like seeing girls so down whenever they're heartbroken but he himself is one of those guys/ Although she will not admit it, she feels jealous and envious towards those he is close with and can talk to so easily. She couldn't even talk to him wiithout having to fight! However, he is very sweet to that person he sincerely likes and is willing to wait until he hears her sweet yes.

He lives in a world of rules. He will think of the outcome first before he makes any decision and he has too much common sense, as Bobae likes to think so. He often reminds Bobae of a harabeoji. He is very independent and strong willed, something that she likes a lot because of the fact that she has the same traits as well. He is very well liked among peers because of his easy going personality and his sense of humor. He's very passionate at whatever he does and is very devoted to his close friends and family. He always gives people warmth and security and she's come to realize that's one of the things that makes him so targeted with the female popularity in town. He has a habit of being judgemental, especially towards girls from the cities. One thing he hates the most are girls who are too rumbunctious for his type. He does not like hearing girls complain, especially about his town and how it's a 'ghost' town.

HOW THEY MET : As if Bobae being stranded was bad enough, she also had something up in her car's engine. The first day she spends as a prisoner in the town was spent getting her car fixed and the first step was to find a mechanic and town, which you'd think was easy. However, in such a small country side, there was only one mechanic and he was very well demanded: Nichkhun Horvejkul. Harvey-whatta? As everyone's reaction to his name, Bobae's was not different.

Upon finally meeting him however, she was shocked to face a man with such a gentle looking face. He was hard working, dilligent, and strong willed. Something that Bobae liked. However, he was very judgemental towards her, muttering under his breath that city girls were the worst. This was taken very hasrhly by Bobae. Although she left her car with him in bad terms, she swore she has never met a guy so rude.

Bobae is glad that she never has to see Nichkhun ever again. Now the only problem was that she had to stay in the countryside for Buddha knows how long right? WRONG! A couple of days later when she thought things couldn't be more worse, Nichkhun suddenly appears and Bobae is surprised. Turns out that the farm she was staying in with her cousin belonged to none other than Nichkhun's family! Imagine her horror when she had to actually work with him! 

OCCUPATION : Mechanic/Farm Boy 

HOW THEY ACT : Once you get to know him, you will be surprised to find out that beneath his sensitive facade is a very moody man. He seems hot with passion one moment and cool and distant the very next. This is why he is often misunderstood by the girl he is involved in, and in this case, Bobae. He leaves her wanting for more one moment and the next she is fuming with anger over his carelessness. He usually does not take insults very well either and he feels very irritatated by Bobae's pampered attitude. Since she is used to speaking her mind at all times, he feels the need to teach her a lesson, especially about how to shut whenever she needs to shut it.  Although they did not start off very well, she became to admire him for his personality and he too began to see that there was more to her than just your typical city girl. He began to admire her leadership and the way she often looked out for her girls even though they were grown. Jaebeom is the type of person that can usually make anyone laugh. He has the power of humor and he is very jolly around his friends and those he cares about. He is a bit 4-dimensional at times, especially when it comes to jokes and pick up lines. He makes himself laugh with his dry humor and thinks he's the best whenever he is trying to be funny. Due to his charming personality, people are attracted to him. He hates her stubborn streak and the fact that she only listens to the voice inside her head. She's at her comfort zone whenever she's with him though and she feels most secure whenever he is around. She always texts her whereabouts whenever she is traveling around Eden. During her stay at Eden, she's seen fighting with him a lot of times and she never shows aegyeo to him due to the fact that he always makes fun of her when she does it. Deep down though, he secretly likes it and thinks it's cute. He is not afraid to chase Yurim and to hurt her feelings, only because he believes that she's strong enough to take honest opinions (even though it means that it'll hurt her). They are always fighting but the both of them have a 2 second rebound thing from where Jaebeom is being the biggest jerkass in the world and Yurim being a pain in the to sweet and nurturing Jaebeom and bubbly and chic Yurim. However at the end of the day, he knows that Yurim is only staying temporarily at Eden and that she'd have to go back to the city when summer is over.

CURRENT RELATIONSHIP : Frienemies, kind of a love hate relationship. 

BACKUP LOVE INTEREST: Choi Seunghyun (Big Bang), Kim Jongin (EXO)


  • FATHER - Kwon Mukyul | 52 | Successful, caring, loving, providing, strong, funny. Mukyul is the perfect father and he is the family's rock. He's a doctor that words 24/7 so he spends time well with his family whenever he has a day off. His kids can go to him whenever they need something and he is very loving towards his wife. He's faithful in providing for his family and gives them everything they want.
  • MOTHER - Ahn Jiyeon | 48 | Beautiful, graceful, sensitive, moody, understanding. Jiyeon is a succesful fashion designer. She is a city girl like her daughter and plans to stay on the business for as long as she can. She loves her children more than she loves herself and is willing to sacrifice everything for them. She's also very affectionate towards her husband. 


  • Ahn Sohee | 23 | Hardworking, pleasing personality, persevered, reserved, witty | Not OC (Idol) 
  • Jung Youngjoo | 22 | Fun, humorous, strong willed, stubborn, friendly | Not OC (Idol) 


  • NONE 

The animals, the smell of the town, the ahjummas gossiping around the corner; she hated it all. She knew she didn't belong and she didn't have to be told that she was that one piece in the picture that did not fit. Bobae was meant for the city; she belonged to parties because she was simply the life of the party. She shouldn't be stranded in some cooped up ghost town down at the country side. 

The town was small and people knew each other well. She disliked this. She also didn't like the fact that animals roamed so freely. She hated seeing the rats scamper around the restroom stalls and she detested the smell of cow poop. The people themselves seemed to have been old fashioned and somewhat small minded, unable to accept modern opinions and technology. She's never detested a place so much as she hated the country side and all she wishes for is to be able to go back home. 

→ After accidentally hearing the ahjummas insulting and criticizing Bobae and her city girl attitude, she feels down and sad that nobody in the town seems to like her. Nichkhun overhears her talking to Sohee about about it and ends up feeling sympathetic. 
→ Bobae complaining about work, complaining so much that she fell in a puddle of mud. Nichkhun ends up lending him his clothes as they dry hers.
→ While Bobae is working at the farm with Jinwoon, the other girls (chosen character) visits and begins to talk to him very openly. Bobae feels a bit jealous because of this because they are so comfortable around him and him to them
→ Nichkhun taking off his shirt and flashing his abs goodness to Bobae (LOL CLASSIC FANGIRL REQUEST) She feels shocked and flustered, unable to say anything
→ Seora daydreaming about Jinwoon shirtless (lol) but slapping herself afterwards since she knows she shouldn't be daydreaming about him at all

i know you didn't state 2PM on the cheatsheet but gawd, ill love you forever if you do choose him o u o however, id understand if you feel uncomfortable writing with nichkhun as my partner so if you feel as if you're better off with seunghyun as my partner then go ahead, i love him as well anyways c: anywhoo, let me know if i need to change anything with the app! so excited for teasers to come out, it'l be amajing! e o e 



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