Confession #27



Ever since I was little, I always liked word art. It's like one of my favorite things to do when I'm bored, which is basically wasting time. 

I would use different colors to write the letters and everything, so yeah. 

I decked out my entire pencil case to show my love for K-Pop.  And basically, everybody likes it. Plus, it's squishy and everybody likes it :3

And uh, I always liked drawing cartoon shiz. Like on other people's things.

Like, the other day, I accidently drew a line on my BGF's gray converse, and yeah. That led me to drawing emoji on the borders of his left shoe.

And he wants me to do it for both shoes, so like, yay. 

It's either I draw on other people's things, or I  write on it or mess it up somehow. 

For example: I always write 'MEOW x3 ^~^' on my friends' stuff.

In marker.

So, it never comes off.

Whoop  whoop.

All my friends are like that, especially my BGF, so yeah.


I like messing with other people's stuff by writing, marking, or drawing on it c: 


BTW Corner//

My BGF is just a shorter reference to my best guy friend, Marley, that I may or may not have a crush on. 


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