oh ok now i know whats happening.. ok ............ just my opinion ok???  not as a MYUNGJONG SHIPPER or whatever but an observer i think that girl is not and i mean NOT myungsoo's girlfriend i dont know its just that i dont get the feeling that she is myungsoo's girlfriend i see her as an attention seeker. when i first saw her i thought that she looks like a creep and an attention seeker. well there is no problem of him having a girlfriend its just that i dont think she is the real girlfriend of myungsoo.. if we are a true fan of Myungsoo we will have in mind that whats important is his happiness.

Also in my opinion is that his fan site's are all harsh because they temporary shut down the site all because of that rumor i think they should encourage myungsoo and tell him to be strong and not leave him in the air like that, think about what he will feel when he read the news telling that his fans left him just because of that rumor? think about what he IS feeling right now! what if its all a lie?? and that the girl made it all up??? ok lets say that its real as a fan we need to support him all the way and be happy that he found a girl that he think is right for him. JUST MY OPINION THO.....


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