Rant. ; ;


why should i ?
why should i ?
why should i ?
So, hey everyone. I decided that I'm gonna start doing blog posts. You don't have to read these if you don't want to, I'm not expecting you to, I just need somewhere to rant it all out. I have tumblr as well but, idk, I just decided to do aff blogs as well. Thanks to mah gorgeous friendu mashisuh for convincing me the extra step. ;u;.

Btw, not all my blogs will be rants/angry times, most of them will be happy times, okeii. Today just wasn't the best day. I guess. Regarding online issues. I mean, I watched a movie with a friend today (she's probably reading this) and that was fun- otl, I creyed in it but yah whatever. And, um, ING KISSED OKAY. My ultimate OTP kissed. I cannot. But, a lot of really ty things happened as well. SOO, this introduction has already taken most of the space orz, but whatever. (✖╭╮✖)

Alright. I just, cannot with es on rps. They come in acting like they own the place, when they don't. They just, don't. Only the admins own the place and I have never come across a y admin. Maybe you think I'm one for writing this post but that's your choice. I know that sometimes they may be joking, or are being sarcastic, and I don't mind that. I can usually tell when they are, but sometimes they take the extra step and it just gets annoying. Plain annoying. And the bad thing is that usually these people are my biases. Please, piss off and don't ruin my biases image. #gomennotgomen. Tbh, sometimes I wish I could say that but I would never. They annoy the fuq out of others as well. I also hate it when they KNOW that they are being y but they don't STOP. There is a line. And sometimes, they just pass it. If you're reading this post, and you think it's aimed at you, tbh, it probably isn't. But whatever.

I also cannot with fake friends. Friends that you tell everything to, and then they just take off- without a word, either leaving your rp or just not talking to you anymore. Or, they use the things you tell them against other people. Just pls don't. When people entrust you to certain things, no matter what happens between you two, YOU DON'T TELL OTHERS. Maybe you don't go by that rule, but I certainly do and I certainly think it's fair. I seriosuly think I have trust issues because of them now. Ugh.

OH OH OH, and friends you think you're really close to, but in critical times (eg, you're really sad and depressed, you're sick, you're in a deathly situation) they just ignore you. Or, they make it worse. If you were actually my friend, you would be helping me. I guess not.
Okay, I think I'm done ranting. If you read all of this, then thank you, I guess. If not, then understandable tbh. But like, don't judge me on this rant because I'm not usually like this. I think, anyways.

L, out.

I. D. C.
do you?
do i?
no one does.
I. D. C.
do you?
do i?
no one does.
I. D. C.
do you?
do i?
no one does.


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BB. ;A;
now who in particular is acting like they own the rp? D<
is it who I think it is? u n u
But overall, I'm here, bb.
; w ; you can rant or do anything. B|
I can even be your body bag o/
littlemisses #2
I cry because I'm never on when you are < // 3
BBY are you okay? Please tell me.
I'm all ears.
rant everything you want to me.
I love you okay < 3
please feel better.
it the most when them bishes you
hate are using your bias' faces. ; n ;
/stabs them alive; shot/

idek what i should say in this tbh.
stay strong(?) <3 u w u; /slapped hard/
mashisuh #4
oh gosh layouts for a blog post x u x

lmao just kidding
high fives you cause wise words, friend.

/is a y admin