
Hi there all!

So blogger Kat hasn't blogged for quite a while now, huh? I was quite busy to be sincere, but I do have some free time now to put everything down and inform you guys on things that have been going on lately, not that is important or anything like that^^'

So, the university year starts on the 1st of October and I'm curently preparing to leave my hometown for Cluj, the city I will be living for the next three or even more years. So practically, I'm moving out tonight because I have to be there tomorrow morning to take my room in the dorm :) The point is that I am leaving AFF for an undefinite period because I need time to adjust myself to having 4 roommates and to see how the classes and teachers are, what schedule I have etc. etc. I'm not leaving for good and I definitely won't abandon my stories, so don't worry! :)

I'm coming back with the first opportunity and kick- updates. So, wait for me, ok?

I'll miss my friends here, but you can find me at any of the links below:



Ocean of Light

Damaged Reflection


Wish me luck! ^~^


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what is your major if I may ask?i mean it's a big distance form your hometown down to Cluj so...i'm a little bit worried :( but I know that you will persevere in everything that you plan so please take care of you and have fun in Uni, make lots of friends and respect everyone even if thy treat you coldly, cuz trust me from the age of 20 everything changes :) TAKE CARE <3 <3 <3 ^^
oh no :c will miss your blog posts. good luck and make sure to always do what makes you happy! ^-^
Good luck and have fun! :)
Good luck with moving ^^
Hope you'll have a great time there and adjust well to it :)
I wish you all the luck in the world! :)

Fighting! ^^