My life.

Hey you guys~
I've been busy with school and I'm so stressed out.
Though talking with my old friend today helped a lot,
Earlier my parents started fighting again.
I don't know what to do.
My mom and dad are so stubborn and prideful.
They don't realize what they are doing- what they are making my brother and I feel.
I feel burdened.
I have to be the one being mature.
I have to listen to everyone's problems.
Who listens to mine?
I'm so stressed out about my family.
I don't even know what to do.
All I can do is plug my ears and try to act normal.
I've been so stressed that if someone was to complain to me, I would either burst into tears or just so angry and blow up at them.
When I cry,
It's never noticed.
My face doesn't puff up,
It doesn't show any sign of sadness.
I've become so good at putting up fake smiles,
No one can tell which is real or not anymore.
I feel so lonely in my real life.
i wish someone knew when I was sad or when I am putting up a veneer to hide my feelings.
Why can't someone know me like in those fanfics when the girl is sad and the guy is like, "no you're not okay, tell me, I'll help you" why can't that happen to me..
Everything is study study study.
And my mom complains that I listen to kpop too much.
What do you want me to do then?
Drugs? Smoke? Ah least I'm just listening to music! I tell her it helps me,
she doesn't  believe me.
she scolds me for stating up late til 1:30 in the morning.
you want me to have good grades right?
yeahhh. I'm staying up late cuz I want to, right?
im not smart.i have to study.
Why can't you understand me?
Why does everyone have to yell at me?
I'm the youngest.
Yet why is it that I have one of the biggest burdens?
Why can't I be ignorant and stupid??!!
I think it's stupid how I'm thinking more rationally and maturely than my parents.
They know more than me.
But why are they blind?
Why can't they see the results of this?
Scream "divorce!!" All you want,
If you guys divorce,
I'll miss you,
I still love you,
But I can't deal with your guys crap.
I'm tired of the one that my parents nag and scold,
I'm so tired of it all.
Maybe my bro and I should just move out.
I'm so sick of everything.


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Honey, reading this and I see myself. I'm going through the same thing if not worse. My parents are not only fighting, they're breaking stuff inside the house. My mom kicked out the door to their room and now they have to sleep doorless. I get beat up when I piss her off or do anything "wrong". My advice is to ignore it all. Yes, ignore. That's the best we could do if adults are acting like little kids fighting over a piece of candy. I planned to move out the day I turn 18 ever since I was just a 10 years old girl. That's how bad it is. I'm 17 now, so there's not much time left :) As much as I want it to be, life is not a fanfic. I started writing fanfics because I know my life will never be like one. Just work hard and study hard, for yourself, not for anyone else. You were born to live for yourself ok? Everyone else have their own life to deal with, so don't feel like a burden and just live your own life, do anything you want to do, follow your guts. Sorry if this is too long, but I relate to this. Message me if you need to talk ANYTIME. I know how it feels to be lonely. To hide your tears so no one ask. To hide in the closet and cry all by yourself. The Kpop fandom is like a big family, so don't be afraid to reach out. I can help you vent out your anger and so can alot of people. :) Smile. Everyone's the prettiest when they smile.
My parents went through pretty much the exact same thing their entire lives even with me, and then finally divorced last year. Please talk to me if you need someone to vent to, I can totally relate and I'd love to listen. It's really important to keep friends close at times like these! Message me?